Page 15 of Ignite

I closed the gap between us, drawn to him. “Will you confess a secret to me?”



Text from Mum, 6.37 p.m.:

How are the drag races? Having fun? Send me photos! Love you xx

A night at the drags had taken a U-turn and I wasn’t complaining at all. Mum had convinced me to leave a day earlier for my temp work contract. If I had delayed my trip, I wouldn’t have met this woman.

She was beyond pretty. Truly stunning. My brain short-circuited whenever she smiled. I forgot about work, grief, loss and … felt good. I rubbed my chest. I’d felt attraction, and straight up lust with other women, but this was different. She was different. No idea what that meant.

And Phil had delivered her to me.

Thank you, Phil, whoever you are.

So far, I’d lied for this woman and concealed half-truths at her request, and I didn’t even know her name. One moment she acted so innocent, almost naïve, then serious, and in the next moment, a temptress.

In the motorhome and at the bar, she’d perused my body like she was about to rip off my shirt and then, a second later, had been scandalised by her own thoughts.

She had no poker face. How expressive would she be if we fucked?

I coughed, adjusting myself.

Shit, settle down.I wasn’t looking for a hook-up tonight. I was no priest as I’d told her already. But it had been a while since I’d last got laid. Twelve weeks? More? Felt like twelve years.

She ran her finger along the chrome detail around the window, glancing up at me.

“I want to know something that’s really about you. Not like, what’s your favourite colour or anything. I mean, what do you want from your life? Are you happy with your job, your future? Have you ever wanted something so badly it hurt?”

She was now so close I could touch her. “Will you confess a secret to me?”

I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry. I was about to tell her not just my secrets but also my doubts, fears and dreams along with my banking details and naked baby photos.

My mobile pinged in my back pocket. Saved by the bell.

“Excuse me a sec.”

I stepped away from Lorraine and her, and checked my phone.Mum, again.She’d been texting all evening wanting updates. She didn’t even like drag racing. She was either bored at home with my brother and father, or desperately worried I wasn’t having fun.

“Okay, I’ll confess something,” I sighed, pushing my hair out of my eyes. “I feel like I’m abandoning my family, running away when they need me most at home.”

I scrubbed my face.Shit, the stuff you say to beautiful strangers.

She reached out and squeezed my arm. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, fine.” I grunted, looking in her eyes. “More than fine. And my familyareokay. Mum and Dad insisted I should come to the drags tonight, but guilt is gnawing at me. I feel like … I should be at home fighting for what’s right, and helping them.”

She withdrew her hand and I instantly missed her touch. Which was crazy because I’d only just met her, didn’t know a single thing about this woman and yet … I liked her.

“But I’m glad I did come,” I murmured. “And met you.”

A corner of her mouth curled up and I grinned back, standing so close she had to tilt her head up to hold my gaze. Her eyes flared with heat.

I waited, and—there it was!—her eyes flicked to my mouth. She licked her lips and I stifled a groan.

“You’ve been staring at my lips half the night,” I whispered. “Like you want to kiss me.”