Page 137 of Ignite

Sam continued, not waiting for me to react. “They used your photos on social media too. It’s had more than one hundred shares since they posted it an hour ago. I’m lucky I checked my phone or I would have missed it.”

I wasn’t sure if Sam was horrified, excited or nervous. Probably all three.

“Wow.” I was numb.

“Umm …” Sam paused. “How do you feel?”

I felt lightheaded. I staggered away from the sinks and sank down on a toilet seat, unable to stop staring at my photo.

“Oh god Stacey you must hate me,” Sam suddenly wailed. “I should never have given them that photo of your scars. I know you signed the waiver but I should have checked with you first—”

“It’s okay, really,” I said.

And I meant it. I was still getting used to the idea of everyone seeing me like this but also, I felt strangely calm. Like finally, a burden had been lifted.

“Really?” she breathed. “Are you sure?”

“Sam, are you crying?” I pulled off some toilet tissue and handed it to her.

“I was so nervous.” She hiccupped and then took a deep breath. “Thank goodness, I just thought …”

“That I’d be mad?” I finished for her.

I thought about Amanda’s snobby Sydney friends, even Amanda, and all of the well-meaning people over the years who’d condescended to me about my appearance as I stared at my photo.

Smouldering Bitch Face indeed: the photo was a big ‘fuck you’ to the world at their opinions.

A burst of hysterical laughter escaped my lips. Butterflies started to take flight in the pit of my stomach.So much for calm.“I’m not mad. Not at all.”

“You’renot?” Sam shrieked.

I shook my head and stood. Sam let out a stream of ‘thank goodnesses’ and other reassurances and I pulled her in for a hug.

“I didn’t think through about how I would have managed something like this, if the calendar wanted my photo.” I gently pushed her away, handing back her phone. Butterflies now soared in my stomach. “But I’m not mad at all with you. I just … don’t know what to do next.”

“I’ve had a couple of missed calls from media,” Sam said in a small voice. “I think the calendar people sent your photos with a media release to other agencies.”

“Oh,” I breathed. “Fuck.”

“Do you want me to call them back?”

All I could think about was the outstanding request from the ABC wanting to do the ten-year anniversary TV special about our family since the fire.

I licked my lips and took a leap of faith.

“You know what? Do it.”

“Holy shit. Really?”

I nodded. “I’ll supply a comment, too.”I’ll own my story.

My clutch started to vibrate. I pulled out my phone, my uncle on the line.

“Hi, Uncle Bruce.”

Sam watched me answer, pacing the ladies’ bathroom floor.

“Stacey, have you seen—”