Page 121 of Ignite

And I meant it. Maybe drinking the Sangiovese helped, but I was enjoying myself.

“Wasn’t sure you’d like a bunch of doctors based on your old rules.”

“I got to know this new doc in town and now I’m thinking maybe doctors are okay.”

“This new doc you’ve met. What’s he like?”

“Eh, not so bad,” I shrugged, feigning indifference.

“Only not so bad?” He raised both eyebrows in mock indignation.

I shrugged, grinning. “He’s okay, I guess.”

He grinned a wolfish smile, and then spoke in a low voice against my ear. “That’s not what you said about me as I ate you out in the records room. I believe you called me ‘God’ several times.”

I blushed, trying to smother a smile as Andy made an announcement.

“Right, quit flirting you two. It’s time to order one of those steaks that Harry has been talking about since he arrived. Who’s in?”

Harry took his friends to the bistro counter, leaving me to mind the table. I checked my phone, sipping the last of my wine with a happy sigh when someone approached from behind.

“Hey, Racy Stacey. Looking good tonight.”

I inwardly groaned, hearing the male voice.

“Hey, Doug,” I said, offering a reluctant greeting.

He took that as an invitation to sit on the bar stool in front of me. I put my phone down and looked at Doug closely. When Amanda and I were teenagers, we’d thought he was the hottest guy we’d seen. But he’d been an arrogant show-off. Still was.

Why did I think it was a good idea at the time to lose my virginity with him?

He smiled, his eyes lingering on my breasts.

I grimaced. “How’s June?”

He looked around the room, trying to look casual. “Broke up for good this time.”

Doug had three kids with June. This was breaking news for Ballydoon. “Oh, I’m sorry—”

“Don’t be. It’s for the best, babe.”

I frowned at ‘babe’. Doug didn’t even notice.

“Means Doug’s a free man. Staying with Brayden and his old woman while I get my own place.”

Movement to the side caught my eye. Brayden was standing alone in the corner, watching us. I nodded, but he didn’t acknowledge me. My skin crawled.

“To be honest, June held me back,” Doug continued. “I’m moving on to better things now.”

His eyes roamed over me, settling on my hips and waist. Doug let out a low whistle. “Love the pants, Stace. Don’t you look all grown up tonight.”

“Been grown up for a while,” I deadpanned.

Harry and his friends returned to our table. Doug stood, giving Harry a nod before turning back to me. “See you around, hey Stace? Let’s catch up.”

Doug swaggered away and I barely held back from shuddering in revulsion. I picked up my mobile again.

Harry’s eyes narrowed after Doug. He took my hand in his and pulled me in close.