Page 133 of Ignite

He brought us to a stop on the dance floor and held my gaze. “And, this song is about love.”

I inhaled sharply. Harry wasn’t saying he loved me.


We’re just talking about a song.

I think.

His hand slid to my lower back, and I stiffened. “Can I touch you here, Anastasia?”

“Yes,” I hissed, and then he pressed me closer to his chest.

“I’m a selfish man.” His voice was ragged. “I just want to have you all to myself, right now.”

“I’d like that, too.” My pulse spiked. “I want to stay.”

Harry pulled me flush against him, grinding his hips in slow circles. “You’re the only thing I want, Firebird.”

Something was making itself known between us: Harry was hard. I don’t know when I’d started to pant but I was when the song finished. Harry was breathing hard, too.

He took a step back, cursing while discreetly adjusting himself.

“I’m going to disgrace myself in front of your family, my family and most of Ballydoon.”

My body pulsed with awareness from his touch, how hard his body had felt, the way his body had responded to mine pressed against him.

“I need to tell you something later, when we’re alone, but right now,” I breathed. “I need another drink before I meet your parents.”

Harry huffed a laugh. “I think we both need Dutch courage. Let’s go to the bar.”

* * *


“Stacey, this is Dave and Wendy. Mum, Dad, this is Stacey, my girlfriend.”

A year ago I would have laughed and laughed at the idea of introducing a girlfriend to my parents. Or even having a girlfriend, period.

A year ago, Simon and I cruised bars picking up women, happy to be single.

But here I was, a year later, nervous as fuck, introducing Stacey to Mum and Dad as my girlfriend. A sudden pang had me blinking back tears. If only Simon could have met her like this.

Stacey shook hands with Mum and Dad and then Liam embraced her in a bear hug.

I held my breath. Not everyone felt comfortable when Liam greeted people with his unrestrained hugs and loud voice. The need to protect Liam from others’ judgment and opinions would always be strong.

Stacey laughed and hugged him back, and I exhaled and, instead of unease, something else filled my mind, and heart. Pride, and … something so strong I had to resist the urge to sweep Stacey off her feet and take her to my room right now.

“Stacey really pretty,” Liam declared.

“Oh, thank you.” Stacey kissed him on the cheek.

“Have to agree, mate,” I mock-whispered, hugging Liam around his shoulder. “And hey,” I said to Stacey, pouting. “You haven’t given me a kiss yet.”

“Later,” Stacey mumbled.

“Heard you’re painting your homestead,” my father stated.