Page 71 of Rubble (Macha MC 3)

“I heard it was your birthday.”

She rolled her eyes. “Like months ago.”

“Yeah, but we never really got to celebrate like I want to.” He took a step closer. “In the way you deserve.”

“Oh really?” She smiled and he caught his breath. No matter what happened, her smile could knock him on his ass. No twelve rounds needed for her to lay him out.

“Yep. I have reservations in town at the cute little French bistro that opened last week. Yasmina mentioned you liked French food.”

“God, yes. It’s been forever since I had it.” She leapt to her feet and hugged him, her hand grazing down the front of his jeans. “Ooh, and do I feel my present too?”

He chuckled and swatted her ass. “Later, woman. Go check your closet.”

Jupiter hurried over and pulled open the door. “Oh my God.” She fingered the long-sleeved royal blue dress.

“Isa made it so it should fit like a glove.”

She grabbed the hanger and beamed at him. “It’s gorgeous.”

He nodded. She was gorgeous. “Isa picked out a pair of boots to match. I’ll meet you out front in ten minutes.”

Rubble paused at the door, the desire to fuck her nearly taking over when she stripped then and there. Resisting that urge, he adjusted his dick, and made his way downstairs. This woman shattered him in the best ways. He’d always love her for bringing down the walls around his heart. He fished out the box and opened it. By the end of the night, he intended to make Jupiter his woman permanently.

* * *


“This place looks amazing.”

Jupiter looked up at Rubble and he winked. They waited in the small entryway of the restaurant. Families and singles alike filled the space. The scent of fresh bread lingered in the air, making her stomach growl. The entire place screamed French countryside and she couldn’t help but yearn for a trip overseas. It’d been almost a decade since she visited her distant cousin Mason, who owned several vineyards and a stunning villa in the French countryside. She’d discuss the possibility with Rubble once they were seated.

Her phone buzzed in her clutch, reminding her that she was on a deadline for her publisher. A warm flutter filled her stomach. After inheriting millions, she’d joined in on Nikita’s shelter venture, focusing on havens for women and children on the run from abusive situations. Ground would break in the spring. She couldn’t wait to put the money to good use. She didn’t need it for herself.

Rubble squeezed her hand, his tender touch vastly different from the strength she’d felt and seen in him. They’d only known each other a handful of months, but that was all she needed. Running was in her past. Settling down with Rubble was her future.

His mismatched eyes grazed hers and desire shot between her thighs. He looked incredible in jeans and an untucked blue collared shirt. He’d left his cut at the clubhouse, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he felt naked without it.

A waiter walked by with a bowl full of bouillabaisse and Jupiter held her breath until the scent wafted away. Over the last week, her stomach hadn’t been much of a fan of seafood. She swallowed a smile, the anticipation of whatever surprise Rubble had in store for the night kept her focused on the man beside her.

“This place is busy.”

Rubble glanced around and nodded. “Yeah, hopefully they didn’t give away our reservation.”

“Somebody anxious to eat?” She watched his cheek twitch and held back a giggle. Rubble was rarely nervous which meant something else was going on. If it were club business, he’d say so. It was one of the things she appreciated about their relationship. Since the shoot-out, they communicated openly, nothing left unknown.

“In a way.”

A tall, lanky woman with brown hair piled on top of her head greeted them. “Sorry for the wait. My usual waitress called in so I’m manning the place on a skeleton crew.”

“No problem.” Jupiter grinned, instantly taking a liking to the woman. “Are you new to town?”

“Actually, I grew up here. I went away for college then culinary school, but there’s just something about Snowshoe that pulled me back.” She checked the reservation list. “Mr. Hardy, right?”

Rubble nodded and looked around the room as if someone would call him out for not using his club name.

Jupiter held out her hand. “I’m Jupiter. I’m fairly new to town.”

“Delphi Windsor.” The brunette shook her hand then Rubble’s. “I’m a new restauranteur myself.”