Page 69 of Rubble (Macha MC 3)

“I’m looking for you, Mrs. Jones.”

Her blood chilled at the name. “I’m not—”

“Oh, I know.” The man nodded and held out his card. “I’m your attorney, Jupiter.”

“Mr. Neffenger?” She took the extended card and relaxed when he also held up his driver’s license to confirm his identity. She’d never met him personally. They’d only spoken on the phone and emailed.

“I tried calling several times. After speaking with Lyle’s attorney as well as the FBI agent who paid me a visit, I now understand why you didn’t answer.” He pulled off the hat he was wearing, his salt-and-pepper hair sticking up in every direction. “Is there a place we can chat? We have a few pressing things to go over.”

“Of course. Give me a minute.” She hurried back to the kitchen and filled Yasmina in before calling Rubble.

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Neffenger, Rubble, and Jupiter sat around Macha’s large table at the clubhouse.

“These are incredible carvings,” her lawyer said, glancing around the room. He traced the wood engraving and smiled. “But not what we’re here to talk about.” He cleared his throat and passed a folder to Jupiter. “Your divorce was never finalized, Jupiter.”

She cringed at the notion. “That’s a bummer.”

Mr. Neffenger smiled kindly. “It’s actually not.” He handed her another folder, this one larger and containing more paperwork. “Lyle never updated his Last Will and Testament. The only viable one is dated right after you were married.” He adjusted his glasses and met her gaze. “He left everything to you, Jupiter.”

Silence simmered in the room as she absorbed his words. She shook her head, trying to make sense of it all. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Every parcel of land, investment, bank account, retirement pension, and real estate asset. It all belongs to you.”

Her hands shook and Rubble patted her thigh reassuringly beneath the table. “But what about the federal case? I thought they seized his assets.”

“They did.” Neffenger smiled coyly. “But I managed to secure sixty percent of his net worth, giving the rest to the government.”

Jupiter exchanged an unsure glance with Rubble. “But what about the way he died?”

Neffenger shrugged. “As unfortunate as it was, it doesn’t matter. The state and federal police tied up their cases with pretty bows and got their payouts, so they won’t give you any hassle, just like we hoped.”

She nodded, not sure what else to do. It all seemed too good to be true. Her problems were over. She thought back to the will. Lyle hated her with every breath in his body, but evidently he hadn’t always. “Okay, what do I need to do?”

“It’s been done. I took care of it all.”

“For a fee, I’m sure,” Rubble added, narrowing his eyes.

Neffenger chuckled. “Jupiter entrusted me with her life almost a year ago. I take that very seriously, so no, she paid her retainer, and I won’t make another cent.”

Jupiter’s mouth gaped. “Why not?”

Leaning across the table, Neffenger patted her hand. “Because no woman should have to pay for a man’s abuse.”


“None of those, my dear. I do what I can to help others. I only ask that you do the same in return.”

Wiping away the tears on her cheeks, she nodded. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect kindness from this man, let alone any of them. “Of course. Thank you. Thank you so much. I don’t think I could’ve made it this far without your help.”

“You’re stronger than you realize, Jupiter.” He snapped his fingers and pulled another stack of paperwork from his briefcase. “I nearly forgot. This is the insurance policy Lyle purchased. Be sure to fill out the return paperwork and send them in or the company won’t pay out.”

Jupiter quickly scanned the documents she didn’t remember anyone mentioning. The large number on the payout page made her gasp. “Three million dollars.”

“Say what?” Rubble read over her shoulder and whistled.

A nagging sensation filled her gut. “Was there a policy on me?”

A strained expression crossed Neffenger’s face. “Yes, Mr. Jones had one, but I’m not sure you want to see the amount.”