He knew. He knew who she was, or at least that she was his Hetty Smith, for all that he likely had no idea of her true identity. So, should she reply in kind? Or feign ignorance?

Why should she pretend? She had recognized him the moment he had stepped into the ballroom, and it would take a rather foolish or drink-addled individual indeed to have not put the pieces together from their conversation. He knew Hetty was no fool, and she had no interest, nor ability, to play the part of a maid too far into her cups. Indeed, it would be disgraceful behavior indeed to be in such a state so early in the evening, and the gossip that would cause…

She tipped her head back to look through the dimly lit space between them at his masked face, still able to discern his piercing gaze in the low light. She smiled, recognizing in the posture of his frame and the glitter of his eyes a challenge. “I daresay you would know, Marquess. Or would you preferDanielin this circumstance?”

“A fair question.” He bent lower, his next words a harsh whisper accompanied by hot breath on her ear. “Though perhaps I should not wish for you to use my given name, what with your apparent disdain for me.”

“Disdain? Not at all. Only a desire to lessen the competition.” She turned her head to meet his gaze, but his face was far closer than she had expected…and their lips touched in a brief caress before he pulled back.

For a long moment, their gazes held each other, unspoken questions and answers and desire flashing between them. She arched an eyebrow at him, a challenge, and a request, and saw his eyes flash in answer before he leaned in and, suddenly, captured her mouth with his own.

Henrietta felt herself melt into the kiss with an abandon that ought to have been far more embarrassing than it was. Daniel’s lips, slightly rough and firm, pressed against her own, demanding, claiming. His tongue touched her lips, teased her mouth open, and took command, sweeping into her mouth and brushing in a teasing swipe across her upper palate before exploring her mouth thoroughly, tangling with her tongue and leaving behind the taste of scotch and wood smoke and an unfamiliar tang that must come from whatever meal he had taken before the ball.

She gasped and leaned into him, only for him to guide her back, hands on her shoulders as he pressed her gently against the wall. His hands moved from her shoulders to her face, as he moved back, leaving her breathless, lips tingling, face hot with a rising flush that was less embarrassment than desire.

His thumbs gently slid her mask up, and she lifted her hands and copied the movement. She nudged the stiff fabric up until she could see the strong cheekbones and the flashing, deep green eyes. Silence passed between them for a long moment before impatience overcame her.

She twined her arms around his neck, glad for once of the height she’d inherited that made it easy to meet him on his own level. She tugged him close, molding her body to his as best she could with their evening wear, tipped her head, and claimed his lips in another kiss. This time it was her turn to tease with her tongue, caressing his lips apart as she pressed close.

A soft, indescribable sound echoed low in his throat as he pressed her back once more, this time following as she leaned back against the wall. One leg slipped between hers, rubbing lightly across her and sending sparks upward even as heat and desire began to pool in her belly and flow through her limbs with the languid flow of mulled wine on a winter night.

She pulled one hand close to his neck, toying with his long hair and feeling the shiver that went through him. Her other hand slid along his collar, teasing a finger under his cravat and his coat to trace a line down the plane of his chest.

Daniel made another sound, this one far more demanding. His hands left her face, trailed down her throat, over her shoulders, smoothing down her upper arms in a manner that seemed to leave trails of warmth behind, before returning to her shoulders and pausing.

She gasped, a sound of startled desire passing from her lips to his as his hands slipped across her chest, cupping her breasts as his thumbs stroked and caressed the bared flesh just above the neckline. She arched closer to him, heat racing through her as his hands slid under the fabric of her bodice, rough, callused fingers and palms cupping her breasts and toying with the nipples until they were hard and sensitive under his touch.

His leg was still firm between hers, adding a pressure in her nether regions to the heated explorations of his hands. She hooked an ankle around his leg to press him closer still, gasping again as she felt a hardness that most assuredly wasnothis leg pressing against the junction of her thigh and hip. She shifted her leg, attempting to mimic his movements of a moment before and was rewarded with a low groan and a tremor running through his frame.

Things were rapidly spiraling out of control, but she could not bring herself to care as she leaned into his touch, craving his heat. She slid her hand back up, intent on undoing the cravat…

And footsteps clattered by, close to the entrance to the corridor, causing both of them to freeze in place. Daniel jerked backward so fast she almost lost her balance as both of them stood there, panting.

The footsteps passed by, their owner intent on some other errand or amusement, and both of them breathed easy again. But the moment was broken.

With quick, efficient movements, Daniel fixed his mask and hers and adjusted his clothing back into some semblance of order. He bent close to her, his breath warm on her cheek.

“Do not consider the matter closed just yet, for you may rest assured that I shall not.”

Then he was gone, vanishing through the open doorway and into the ballroom with a quick, feline-like grace that did nothing to quell the heat of desire still pulsing through her. She adjusted her mask and smoothed her skirts with trembling hands, swallowing hard as she attempted to regain her composure.

Her skin felt sensitive, warm with a flush of mortification at the thought of having been caught in such a compromising position, but also tingling with excitement and desire at the knowledge that her interest was by no means one-sided.

Finally, she was as presentable as she might make herself without a mirror and had a ready excuse if anyone should comment on her state.

Still, as she composed herself and made ready to return to the party, she could not help wishing that Daniel had been more inclined to escape back along the corridor, and that both of them had possessed more of an inclination to place pleasure over reputation.


Daniel made his excuses and returned to his room as soon as he could reasonably be permitted to do so. Jackson and Patricia were somewhat disappointed that he did not stay for the entirety of the masquerade ball, but he had no more inclination for socializing. Not after what had happened, andalmosthappened, in that darkened hallway with Hetty.

Hetty, whose presence at the masquerade he had still not managed to understand. He had never found an opportunity to ask her how she had come to attend an event meant for the ton. He had never even managed to determine whether she was a maiden of society or a woman of the working class who had somehow managed to sneak in, though how she would have done so was beyond him.

He had intended to ask her about that, and other questions her presence and her words had raised. But then he had been caught up in their banter, so familiar from the days spent working together. He had leaned close, intent on the games of words…and she had turned her head, brushing her lips over his in a feather-light touch that wiped everything but desire from his mind.

Had she not reciprocated, he might have found the strength to pull away, to retake command of the situation and pursue the answers he desired. But the instant their eyes met, he had seen the willingness, the interest in her cerulean eyes, and it had fed his own desire until he had no thought for anything other than continuing what they had begun.

Hetty Smith, with her lips soft as flower petals and gentle hands, which she had used to advantageous effect. He could still feel the phantom line of tingling heat where she had traced her finger along his collar and under his cravat. Such a simple action, but it had set his desire aflame.