Daniel returned the smile in kind. “You would not say that if you knew my activities since last you visited my estate.” He tipped his head back into the cushion of the chair. “Do you know, I think I might have been somewhat hasty, even in error, in my judgment on the merits of feminine wiles and unexpected company. This last one has proved to be most...intriguing.”

“Intriguing enough to pull you from your solitude, and in only a day. Do tell…” Jackson sat forward. “She must be a singular specimen of the fairer sex to have made such an impact.”

“Oh, she is that. Beautiful, with hair like dark mahogany and eyes like the deep sea. Tall, and slender, with a complexion that would put the finest porcelain to shame. And the way she approached me—”

“Not another carriage accident?” Jackson quipped.

“Nothing of the sort. In fact, when I asked if that was her reason for appearing at my home—she turned up far too late for a social engagement—she had the cheek to tell me that she’d always intended to appear at my door, and her carriage was merely in the drive waiting!”

Jackson snorted in mirth. “Spirited young thing, then. And did she say why she was calling after hours?”

“She offered to be a model for my work. Said it was something she did to put food on the table for herself and her brother, along with whatever her other occupation is. From her dress and her behavior, I’d say she’s a maid in someone’s household, or she was at some point.”

“Well, she can’t be now, not if she’s modeling for you in the daylight hours. She could never keep such a situation under those circumstances.” Jackson paused. “You did hire her, did you not? I can’t think you’d refuse if she’s as fair as you say.”

“Of course, I hired her. The minute I saw her, I knew she was perfect for my current project. It felt almost as if I’d purchased that particular marble precisely to form in her image, it felt so right.” Daniel paused to sip at his drink. “The oddity of the thing is, I don’t think she’s ever modeled for any artist in her life.”


“No. She could have matched a rose in color when I asked her to change into the costume I provided.” He had no intention of elaborating on the nature of the costume, or lack of substance to it. “And when she posed, she was fair stiff with nerves and discomfort. She’d no idea how to stand for the best advantage artistically, and she looked for all the world like a yearling ready to bolt from the stable.”

“Well, you might have been the first to hire her on for such work. Perhaps she’s hoping to take away a good letter of reference from you? Gaining patronage from the Marquess of Salisbury could establish her well if she chose to continue. If her previous situation was terminated under unfavorable circumstances, she might find it difficult to secure another.”

Daniel chuckled. “I’ll wager that if she lost a position, it had something to do with her inquisitiveness and her nerve. For she spent most of the session asking me questions about all manner of things and practically fidgeting with impatience when I gave her the shortest reply possible.”

He paused before continuing. “You know, she never asked me about the wars, or anything like that. It was all...” He waved a hand. “She asked after my favorite desserts, my favorite colors, how I spent my leisure. Whether or not I enjoyed the Season, and mingling with the ton, and why I chose to dwell in my country home rather than a London townhouse.”

“It sounds as if she were gathering information on you. And you say you answered her?”

“I wanted her to relax, and I thought perhaps conversation might help. And then, it was almost a game between us…” He trailed off, remembering how he had chosen to end the dialogue between them. “It was...new. Interesting.”

“You enjoyed it.”

Daniel nodded. “I did. Far more than I have enjoyed any social interaction thus far since I claimed the title of Marquess, save for our meetings.”

“Well, whoever this young woman is, she’s done you good, old fellow.” Jackson gestured. “You’ve a spark in your eye that I’ve never seen, and I don’t think you’ve been so at ease since the last time a surgeon slipped you some poppy to keep you in bed to heal.”

Daniel blinked. “Truly?”

“Truly.” Jackson sat forward. “I know what you’ve been living with, Daniel. In the nights, and sometimes in the days.” His voice had turned soft, serious. “Even during our visit yesterday, I could see the shadows of the battlefield in your eyes, for all you seemed in good enough humor. But now…”

He sat back again. “You look content. Happy even. As though your years of war are a long-distant memory, rather than less than half a year old.”

Daniel considered his words, rolling them about in his mind as he savored his scotch. He recalled the nightmare he’d suffered only that morning, the black mood that had threatened...and how it had faded in Hetty’s presence.

He remembered the final words he had spoken, the truth of them. “I-I cannot explain it. She was...she was so...one ought not encourage over-familiarity with the people in one’s employ, especially a stranger such as she was to me. But it felt comfortable. And I truly did enjoy her company. Far more so than I would have thought possible when she turned up at my door.”

Jackson smiled. “I know that feeling well myself. I’d a similar experience with Patricia. Though a servant girl… You know our kind will be in a rage if they catch wind of it. A man in your position with a woman like her.”

“There are many men in my position who have no trouble initiating a dalliance with a working-class maid. And in any case, I shan’t be doing any such thing. A pleasure her company might be, but I’ve no intention of pursuing it past its current form.” Daniel frowned at his friend. “And you know that well.”

“Of course, I do. But the rest of the ton knows only the reclusive Marquess of Salisbury, and if rumor gets out that you’ve a young woman making regular visits to your estate, then the rumors will surely make far more of it, deuce to your honorable intentions.”

Daniel sighed. “There is truth in that, though I expect the girl will be discrete for her own reputation.”

“Unless she intends to catch you in a manner that might earn her a ring and a title.” Jackson gave him a pointed look, no doubt remembering the clumsy machinations of the Britmoore chit.

“I had thought of that. Indeed, I half expected an outraged male relation to turn up today. But this does not feel like that sort of ruse. And why should she actually go through with the modeling if her intention is to trap me in matrimony?” He had certainly given her plenty of opportunity to accuse him of scandalous behavior.