“I love you, Eleanor.” Nathan drew her close and kissed her cheek, her nose, and then her mouth. “I wouldn’t have anyone else as my wife. No one would match up to you. That’s it.” He kissed her again. “I want to marry you because I love you.”

He loved her. The three words floated around in Eleanor’s head, but they didn’t really sink in. She had not been expecting that. Eleanor had wondered many times if Nathan would ever say those words to her. Now he had, and she couldn’t take it in.

“Don’t look at me like that, Eleanor.” Nathan groaned. “It took a lot for me to confess it for the first time.”

“I... Nathan…”

“My Lady?”

Eleanor jumped back, almost sprawling on the mattress. One of the maids was at the door. She hadn’t even noticed anyone enter the room. The maid was looking pointedly at Nathan.

“Baron Heavenly says it’s time for Captain Reynolds to leave.”

“Of course.” Nathan slid off the bed and straightened up, adjusting his coat. “I’m due a clean-up myself. I smell like I’ve been living in the hearth for a week.”

Eleanor was still staring at him as he took her hand and pressed a gentle kiss to her palm, his eyes seeming to glow as he looked at her. She couldn’t find any words to say as Nathan stepped back and bowed before heading towards the door. She was still speechless even after the door closed behind him.

He loved her, and she had been shocked into silence. Not exactly the most romantic thing to do. But Eleanor couldn’t help but smile as she settled back under the blankets, closing her eyes as she savoured the moment.

* * *

“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Lady Eleanor.” Lady Vanity said as she reached for her cup. “But are you sure you wanted to come out so soon after something like...well, I don’t know how to describe it.”

Eleanor smiled and patted the older woman’s hand. “I’m stronger than you think, Lady Vanity.”

“I can tell.” The Countess shivered. “I don’t know if I could have coped after that. I’d be laid up in bed for at least a week.”

That wasn’t in Eleanor’s nature. After one night, she had felt much better. Her head was throbbing a little and her throat was still sore, but Eleanor was feeling better than she had the day before. A long, hot bath prepared for her and some fresh clothes, and Eleanor felt even better. She had to keep moving, or she was going to end up losing most of the day. Eleanor wanted to keep herself busy, find something that wouldn’t remind her of what had happened.

And not think about Leyton’s death. Eleanor felt a pang of sympathy for him. She detested the man, and she would rather he wasn’t in her life, but she wouldn’t have wished him dead. Eleanor knew he needed help, and a lot of it. If they had managed to keep hold of Leyton, maybe they could have done that.

But now he was dead. Eleanor didn’t know what was happening to his body, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know everything. Knowing that he had been murdered was already sending a chill down her spine.

Enough. Think about that later. Right now, you’re having morning tea with your future mother-in-law.

That was the reason Eleanor had come to visit Lady Vanity. This had been in their diaries for some time now, and Eleanor didn’t think it was polite to turn down a long-standing invitation, even if she had a valid reason for cancelling at the last minute.

Besides, it meant seeing Nathan again. Although when Eleanor had arrived, she found that Nathan had already left to see someone. That made Eleanor a little downcast, but she perked up knowing that he would be back soon. Then she could ask him to say that he loved her again, to make it sink in.

Because then she could say it in return.

Eleanor took a sip of her tea. “How’s Bailey? Captain Reynolds said he was going to be all right.”

“He’s actually back at work.” Lady Vanity sighed. “The silly fool wouldn’t take a day off, said he would rest when his actual day off comes around. Even after a wash, he’s still walking around smelling of smoke.”

Eleanor smiled. “I think most of us will for a while. Your son rescued us at the right moment.”

“That he did.” Vanity beamed. “My son is always rescuing people. A bit like his father. The last Earl of Brixton wanted to save everyone and give them a place in life.”

That sounded like Nathan all over. Eleanor raised her little cup.

“After having experienced it first-hand, I highly recommend it.”

“I do as well.” Vanity’s smile dimmed a little, and she sighed, sipping her tea before putting the cup back down and reaching for a biscuit. “If it hadn’t been for my dearly departed husband, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I would’ve been married to a man who liked to flout the rules of beating wives.”

Eleanor blinked. “You were betrothed before your husband?”

“It’s something that’s known if you go asking about it. But it’s been thirty years, so thankfully that part of my life is over.” Lady Vanity nibbled delicately at the biscuit. “While I managed to walk away with my head held high, people whispered for so long. I wasn’t the one in the wrong and was fully within my rights to break the engagement, but I was the one people thought was the cause of the engagement breaking down.” She gave Eleanor a little smile. “My husband didn’t see me that way. He saw someone who needed rescuing, someone who needed love and attention. And that’s what he gave me.”