Eleanor lifted her chin, her eyes flashing in defiance. “And I’m trying to make sure we have another generation for this country.”

She was not backing down. It was clear in the way she returned his glare. They were going to be having a big discussion about this later. Especially if Nathan found out that Eleanor’s attack in her own home was due to her work at the orphanage. They knew where she lived and were threatening her.

If that was the case, Nathan would be locking Eleanor in a room and keeping hold of the key. A bit too much, and Eleanor would kick up a storm, but it would keep her safe.

“What’s your relationship with Lady Chapman, Captain Reynolds?”

Nathan blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

“Lady Lorraine Chapman. I’m guessing you knew her years ago. I want to know what’s going on there.” Eleanor squared her shoulders as she folded her arms. “Because while I know this is an arrangement, I will not stand for any affairs.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” The thought of taking a mistress had never come into his mind. But Lorraine? Nathan shuddered. “I certainly wouldn’t have an affair with her.”

“So, you do know her?”

“Since our first season, but she’s someone I don’t want anything to do with. She’s been…” Nathan grimaced. “I don’t think the word obsessed quite works with her. Mother dropped a few hints in her direction when she saw us interact that I found her interesting and she should push to have a courtship. So, Lorraine did, and she wouldn’t stop when I told her no.”

Eleanor arched an eyebrow. “You’ll be telling me next that you enlisted in the army to get away from her.”

“It was one of the contributing factors, certainly.” Nathan pushed himself off the window frame. “Unfortunately, she saw me the same day I got off the boat. She seems to think that as she’s now a widow, and as I’m still unmarried, that we can finally have something.”

“And you don’t want to have something?”

Was there relief in her voice? Nathan shook his head.

“No. I can’t stand her. Why are you asking, anyway? I didn’t think you knew her.”

“She donates to the orphanage. I think she tries to do it to look charitable, but she just looks down her nose at them.” Eleanor huffed. “She also came here yesterday. Tried to tell me that you and she had a prior agreement.”

“And you believed her?”

“No, I didn’t. But I had to talk to you about it.” Eleanor’s eyes narrowed. “If she’s going to be a problem here, I want her gone. I won’t be sharing you.”

That sounded more possessive than anything, but Nathan wasn’t offended. He found himself smiling.

“Anyone hearing you speak would say you were jealous.”

“Not jealous.” But a slight flush on her cheeks gave her away. “I just don’t want to share my husband. That’s not fair.”

“You needn’t worry. You won’t share me with her or any other woman.” Nathan raised his eyebrows. “Just as, I hope, I won’t be sharing you with another man.”

“No. I like to say that I’m loyal.”

“Same here. I may not be for marriage, but I’m not a cad.”

Eleanor nodded. “Nice to know where we stand.”

Then Nathan realized where he was standing. He had been shifting closer to Eleanor as he talked, and he hadn’t even noticed. Now he stood before her, close enough to touch her.

And he did. He reached out and brushed his hand over her cheek, the one that wasn’t injured. Eleanor sighed, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned into his touch. Nathan cupped her jaw in his hand, feeling her soft, warm skin. A slight smile drifted across Eleanor’s mouth, and her lips brushed against his palm. Lust slammed into him.

She was not cut from the same mould as other people. Whatever strange things were going on that had pushed them together, Nathan was beginning to feel glad about it.


Nathan froze. She hadn’t said his name before, and Nathan had felt his chest tighten. Just hearing her say his Christian name had emotions he wasn’t used to swirling around in his belly.

“Say my name again, Eleanor.” He brushed his thumb across her lips, shivering as Eleanor kissed the pad of his thumb. “Say it.”