He hadn’t thought that through.

Captain Reynolds. His name is Captain Reynolds.

Eleanor shoved that aside. Not now. She had to get through the courtship first, and to get Nathan to realize that she wasn’t a wilting flower. She could look after herself, and Eleanor felt like she was doing a lot of good with the orphanage. Nathan would see it. Eleanor was determined to make him see it.

With Jonathan chaperoning her, Eleanor headed over to the orphanage as soon as she came back from Nathan’s home. The second time in two days. Eleanor hadn’t expected to go to see the captain again so quickly, but Lady Vanity had been determined, almost desperate, to have Eleanor back again, so Eleanor had ended up accepting. She didn’t want to make the Dowager Countess annoyed by refusing.

This second time had proven their first meeting wasn’t a fluke. They really did get on well. Eleanor and Nathan had ended up sitting in the corner of the morning room, Lady Vanity and Marion sitting at the other end playing cards, giving them privacy while being in the same room. Nathan didn’t look too impressed that they had been pushed together again, but the more they talked, the more Nathan began to loosen up. They found that they had similar tastes in music and art, the latter surprising Eleanor. She didn’t think a soldier would know much about art, but she did keep forgetting that Nathan was an Earl, first and foremost.

He was such an easy person to talk to, although Eleanor found herself going speechless whenever Nathan smiled. He really did have a nice smile. When he smiled, his eyes twinkled, and that just lit up his whole face. Eleanor couldn’t stop herself from staring. It was nothing short of a miracle that he was still unmarried, even with the fact that he was married to his love of being a soldier.

She could get used to being his wife. If he remembered that he had a wife. Eleanor wasn’t about to be betrayed because this was a convenient marriage. She wouldn’t allow that to happen, and she would make sure Nathan knew she would make his life a living hell if he so much as touched another woman.

Getting a little possessive, aren’t you? He’s not even yours yet.

He will be soon.

Eleanor had to calm herself whenever she started thinking of Nathan Reynolds as hers. This was not how she usually behaved at all. She liked to think of herself as a level-headed, calming person. She didn’t jump into these lines of thought. But with Nathan, it was almost natural. Like Eleanor was scared he would disappear if she let him go.

Why was she even thinking like this? It was a marriage that had been arranged, and they had simply agreed that they could manage this marriage and remain friends - they had that much respect for each other - so why was Eleanor considering Nathan as something more?

She really needed to get out more if she was beginning to think like this about a man she had only met twice.

Eleanor headed into the orphanage and after assuring Sister Cecilia that she was fine to be working that day, she threw herself into feeding the children, reading them stories or simply playing games with them. Several of the younger children jumped up for a cuddle, and Eleanor wasn’t about to deny that. She couldn’t deny these children anything.

That was the only thing she missed about being married. It meant she couldn’t be a mother. Eleanor loved children and had always wanted them herself, but that required a husband, or she would either be shunned from society or would have to give her child away. Eleanor wasn’t prepared to go through that, just for a child. It would have to be marriage, and that felt like a selfish reason for finding a husband.

Marriage was meant to be for love, but now Eleanor was realizing she didn’t have a choice on this.

At least, if she did manage to conceive, she would have someone at home with her who would love her unconditionally.

Eleanor focused her efforts on the children, helping them get washed and ready for bed. She read stories to the younger children before tucking them in and then sorting out the laundry. It wore her out, but Eleanor didn’t mind. She felt like she was doing something this way.

When she finally looked at the clock in the main lobby, it was nearly nine at night. She had been here for almost six hours. No wonder she was worn out. Eleanor yawned and put the folded laundry to one side.

“I’d better head home now, Sister,” she said as she undid her apron. “It’s really dark.”

Sister Cecilia looked up and frowned. “Are you sure you should be going home alone? Why didn’t Jonathan stay.”

“He didn’t look very well when he escorted me here.” Eleanor hung the apron up on the back of the door. “I didn’t want him passing on what he had to the children. He needed his rest.”

“But he left you unattended.” Cecilia pursed her lips. “After what you’ve said about this Leyton man, you shouldn’t be on your own.”

Eleanor rolled her eyes. “I’m going to be fine. I can take care of myself. Leyton tries to touch me, and I’m going to let him know that it was a bad idea to come close to me again.”

“Don’t be so sure that will put him off. Years committed away from society hasn’t helped.”

“Maybe not, but I can make sure he knows that he’s not going to win.” Eleanor waved as she left the room. “Goodnight, Sister. Sleep well.”

“Goodnight, Lady Eleanor.”

Eleanor found her coat and slipped it on. It was dark, but it wouldn’t take long to get home. If Eleanor was quick, she would be back before anyone realized she was there. Eleanor was good at sticking to the shadows.

Her father was going to be cross that she had sent Jonathan home and she came back without an escort. But Jonathan had looked rather green as they walked over in the afternoon, and he had admitted that he had been sick earlier in the day. Eleanor didn’t want to bring him inside and make all the other children sick. They were her priority, and she had told Jonathan to go home and rest.

She was only thinking of everyone’s welfare. That was all. But after her father Edward Heavenly had told her not to go anywhere alone with an escort...Eleanor winced. She was going to be in big trouble once Edward Heavenly found out.

Other women in society would have been shocked and scandalized at how Eleanor conducted herself. She wasn’t like them, preferring to be at the edges as much as possible. She didn’t get invited to galas and balls, which Eleanor didn’t mind. She was happy to be left alone. Life wasn’t about swanning around looking pretty, talking about the latest fashion, and whether the Prince Regent was going to grace their social engagement. There were more important things to do.