Nathan reached the side of the bed, staring down at her. He was still looking sooty, the smell of the smoke clinging to him. But Eleanor had never seen a more welcoming sight. Nathan eased himself onto the edge of the bed, reaching for her. Eleanor went to him, sighing as Nathan embraced her with his face buried against her hair as he let out a shuddering breath. His arms tightened around her, one hand stroking her hair. Eleanor wrapped her arms around him, smiling as she nuzzled his shoulder. Things didn’t seem so bad now.

“How are you feeling now?” Nathan eased back, brushing her hair out of her face. “Are you able to breathe now?”

“A little bit.” Eleanor rubbed a hand over her heart. “My lungs still feel like they’ve been squeezed, but it’s easier to breathe. I’ll live.”

“Thank God for that.” Nathan cupped her jaw. “You scared me when I saw you like that.”

“And you scared me when you went back into that house.”

“I wasn’t going to leave Bailey to die in there. He’s one of mine. He’s going to be speaking with a hoarse voice for a while now, but he’s going to be fine.”

That was something. Eleanor had remembered seeing Bailey stretched on the cobbles, unconscious but breathing. At least he was going to live.

“And what about Leyton? Will you get him?”

“Someone got to him before we could.” Nathan’s expression tightened. “Lord Reading found him dead by the river.”

Eleanor covered her mouth as she gasped. Leyton was dead? He needed help, but he didn’t deserve death. Suddenly, she felt cold.


“All I will say is his death wasn’t pretty, and I doubt it was quick.” Nathan sighed. “It’s best if you don’t know all the details.”

“I will be asking for the details at some point, Nathan.”

Even as she said it, Eleanor knew she didn’t want to know. Her stomach rolled at the thought of knowing how Matthew Leyton died. He was a disturbed man, and he had shown how dangerous he could be, but even Leyton didn’t deserve that. Eleanor didn’t wish that on anyone.

“I know you will.” Nathan gave her a half-smile as he stroked her cheek. “You’re not one to take things without explanation.”

“That’s true.” Eleanor wished her voice didn’t shake. She rested her head on Nathan’s shoulder. “So, I won’t need to worry about Leyton anymore.”

“No. The one who killed him did us a favour.”

“That’s not a very kind thing to say, Nathan.”

Nathan snorted. “After what he’s done, I’m not feeling very charitable.”

He did have a point. Eleanor wished she could feel charitable, but all she could feel was relief. Relief that she wasn’t going to be looking over her shoulder at her wedding expecting Leyton to come barging in objecting to the ceremony.

Speaking of weddings…

“Can I ask you a question, Nathan?”

“Of course.” Nathan’s hand brushed over her hair. “What is it?”

“Do you still want to marry me?”

Nathan stiffened. Then he eased her back, hands on her shoulders as he stared at her.

“Why do you ask that?”

“Well, things have…” Eleanor winced. “I brought a lot of trouble with me. That’s hardly making me good for a wife, is it?”

Nathan looked bewildered. Then he smiled and squeezed her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Your trouble is no longer here. I still want to marry you, Eleanor. Not just for the agreement that was drawn up, but for me.”

For himself? Did that mean…?

“What are you…?”