Heavenly’s eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t make me feel any better, Captain.”

“It’s the best I can do for now.” Nathan gave the older man a pleading look. “Please. You’ll be helping me out a lot.”

Heavenly still looked suspicious, but he nodded and sat back with a frown.

“All right. I’ll send a message. But I want to be told everything once that’s done. I don’t like being kept in the dark, especially if it involves my daughter.”

Nathan was saved from a response by a knock at the door. Then the door opened, and Simon stuck his head into the room. He was red-faced and sweating, his expression grim. Nathan rose, giving Heavenly a nod as he stepped over the glowering man.

“One moment, my Lord. I’ll be back shortly.” He stepped out into the hall, closing the door behind him. “What happened? Did you manage to catch up to Leyton?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

“What does that mean?”

Simon took out his handkerchief and wiped at his forehead. The delicate cloth came away thick with grime.

“We took to the streets and split up. Took a while, but we did find Leyton.”

“You did?” Nathan frowned. “But you said, ‘in a manner of speaking’. What happened?”

“Someone got to him before we could,” Simon said grimly. “We found him by the river, slumped over some crates. His throat had been cut. The body was warm, so he had been killed only minutes before we found him. We were too late.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Eleanor’s head hurt, her throat hurt, and her chest hurt. Mr. Georgebright had checked her over and declared that she would be fine after some bedrest. Normally, Eleanor would complain about being stuck in bed for anything that wasn’t sleep, but she was welcoming it now. It felt good to lie on her own bed, snuggle under the covers while the fire burned in the hearth, and just sleep.

Her mind had been racing on the way home from Leyton’s hideout, but now she was too exhausted to even think about anything. Except that she wanted to sleep. Everything could wait until the morning. For her, breathing comfortably without having it squeezed out of her was at the top of her list along with sleep.

Her family physician had left, and her maid had also tiptoed out after getting things ready for the morning. Eleanor knew her father would want answers, but hopefully Nathan could provide them.

Nathan. Eleanor smiled. He had been there when she had needed him. Nathan had rescued her. Not only her, but one of his own servants. He had the courage of a lion. Who couldn’t love a quality like that?

When you love a man, it’s easy to love that part of him.

There was a gentle knock at the door. For a moment, Eleanor thought someone was knocking against her head; it felt so loud and it made her moan in pain. Then it happened again. Eleanor shifted up to rest on her elbows, blinking through the dim room at the door.

“Who is it?”

The door opened, and it took a moment for Eleanor’s eyes to adjust on the man who stepped through into her bedchamber. She gasped and sat up abruptly, biting back the nausea as the room tilted.

“Nathan! I mean, Captain!”

Nathan chuckled as he shut the door behind him.

“Considering the room we’re in, do you really think calling me Captain is such a good idea?”

“But...what...what are you doing in here?” Eleanor grasped the sheets to her neck. Even though she wore a nightgown, she felt very naked before this man. “Father’s going to be furious!”

“He knows I’m here.”


“He gave me special permission to see you now.” Nathan crossed the room. “But I’ve only got two minutes.”


Edward Heavenly had allowed Nathan to come in here? Was he mad? But Eleanor couldn’t be angry at her father. The sight of Nathan made her feel lighter, a little better. She just wanted to be back in his arms again.