“How is she?”

“She’s going to be fine, although she’ll have a sore throat for a couple of days.” Heavenly sagged into a chair with a sigh. “She just needs to rest.”

She was fine. Nathan felt the tension leave his body in a rush and he collapsed back into his own chair.

“Does your daughter know what rest is?”

“I don’t think she does.” Heavenly gave a small chuckle. “She refuses to let even me look after her at times. It has to be her doing it all or it’s not happening.”

Nathan found himself smiling. That was Eleanor all over. Everyone else came first before her own needs. And she was steadfast about it.

“She’s an independent woman. Which is a novelty at this time.”

“I wouldn’t want anything less from her.” Heavenly regarded Nathan thoughtfully. “But I hope you can handle her, Captain. I love Eleanor with all my heart, but she’s strong-minded. It’s difficult to get her to change her decisions.”

“I know that.”

Their marriage was certainly not going to be boring. Nathan knew that already. He just hoped that he could bring Eleanor around to the idea that they could have a loving marriage as well. He was prepared to do it, but was Eleanor? Nathan could only hope so.

“Listen, Captain,” Heavenly sat up a little, shifting about in his chair, “I must apologize to you.”

“For what? You haven’t done anything.”

“I got you into this. I’m the one who was drinking and gambling away the money we didn’t have.” Heavenly looked downcast. “I got sucked in with a promise to have everything paid off as long as I allowed my daughter to be put into a marriage.”

Several weeks ago, Nathan would have been angry. But he couldn’t bring himself to be angry now. Not after several things had shifted in his mind.

“I did wonder how my mother, who’s a social butterfly, managed to acquaint herself with Lady Eleanor. They certainly wouldn’t cross paths under normal circumstances.” He covered his mouth to hide a yawn. God, he was worn out. “Look, Baron Heavenly, I’ve agreed to it now. I’ve accepted it, and so has Eleanor. We’ll not hold it against you.”

“Thank you.” Heavenly sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “I just had no idea that Mr. Black had so many contacts. I just wish he had done something about Matthew Leyton, and then I might not have worried about my daughter.”

“I suppose…” Nathan froze. “Wait, what did you say? Who set this all up?”

“Mr. Black. Eric Black. He’s the proprietor of the gambling house I frequent.” Heavenly frowned. “Are you all right, Captain? You’ve gone pale.”

Eric Black. Nathan felt like Heavenly had stood up and punched him in the face. Eric Black, the man he was after, was the one who had set him up in a marriage? It couldn’t be a different Eric Black. The one Nathan was chasing was said to own some gambling establishments. It had to be the same man.

Why would he put Nathan into an arranged marriage? Was it to distract him from finding Black? Or was he up to something else? Nathan had no idea what Black would get out of this, but he was certainly trying to do something to Nathan. He had to have known that someone was on his tail.

But he had this in play before Nathan came back to London. Because of a pleading letter from his mother…

No. She can’t be involved. How had Black got to her?

“Captain Reynolds?”

Nathan blinked. Heavenly was looking at him strangely. Clearing his throat, Nathan took a few deep breaths, which just made his chest hurt even more.

“Do you have any way of getting in contact with Mr. Black?”

“I... not really.” Heavenly frowned. “But I could send a message to his business.”

“Do it. Say you want to meet. Don’t mention anything about me.”

“All right, but what’s going on, Captain?”

Nathan hesitated. Heavenly wasn’t a fool; he already knew something was up. But he couldn’t say too much, otherwise Heavenly might turn into an angry father and demand Black’s presence. Nathan didn’t want to keep the Baron in the dark, but if he showed any inclination that he knew something was off about this deal, Black could go underground, and Nathan might never find him. This had to be dealt with delicately.

“I’m not entirely sure yet.” That part was true enough. “But you need to trust me on this, Baron Heavenly. I won’t say any further than that.”