Nathan looked up. Simon was in the doorway, his own pistol drawn. His friend’s eyes widened when he saw Leyton unconscious. Nathan rolled off the man and grabbed at his pistol.

“The fool thought he could take me on in a fight.”

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” Even though his jaw smarted. “I’m going to find Eleanor. She’s got to be in the house. Then we’re getting out of here.”

The magistrate could deal with Leyton. It was a better alternative to Nathan dealing with him.

* * *

Eleanor had to be here. She was here, somewhere. Leyton would have kept her close by. Nathan searched the rooms downstairs, but there was no sign of her. All the while, he was going between panic and anger. Leyton seriously thought he could take away someone else’s bride and nobody would notice or care? His actions would have ostracized them both, whether Eleanor was willing or not. Maybe that was what Leyton wanted, to have the two of them alone where nobody would bother them.

Eleanor liked a quiet life, preferring to be on the edge of society.

I must find her.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Nathan headed upstairs. The first two rooms were empty, but the third was locked. There was no key. With a growl, Nathan stepped back and then kicked out. The door gave way under the third kick and swung inwards, the lock and handle shattering in a rain of splinters. Nathan charged in, and what he saw made his heart drop.

Eleanor was tied to a chair, her wrists bound together and roped around her body, keeping her pinned to the chair. Her head had fallen back, her face pale and her eyes closed.

God, no.

Nathan rushed over and fell to his knees. He cupped Eleanor’s head, feeling how limp she was.

“Eleanor? Eleanor, talk to me.”

Eleanor made a slight sound, but it was shallow. Very quiet. Her lips moved, and a whisper came out. Nathan leaned in close, his ear close to her mouth.

“What is it? Eleanor?”


Couldn’t breathe? Then Nathan saw how tightly the ropes around her chest had been bound. With a growl, he brought out his knife and sliced through her bindings. They fell away and Eleanor gasped, slumping further in the chair as she gulped in air. Nathan could feel his hands trembling as he cut away the rope on her wrists. Then he eased her off the chair and onto his lap, cradling her in his arms.

“It’s all right. It’s all right, love.” He rocked her gently, stroking her hair away from her face. “You’re going to be all right.”


Nathan let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding, pressing a kiss to Eleanor’s head.

“Yes. It’s me. I’m here.”

Eleanor’s eyes opened and she looked up at him. The relief in her expression slammed into him, making Nathan’s own chest tighten. Eleanor’s hand was shaking as she reached up and cupped his jaw.

“I was hoping you would come for me. I’m glad you didn’t let me down.”

For a moment, Nathan didn’t know what to say to that. Instead, he drew her close and kissed her. Eleanor sighed and sank into his arms, which had Nathan groaning. He eased back from the kiss, finishing with a kiss to her forehead.

“And I’m not going to let you down. Ever.” Clearing his throat, Nathan shifted Eleanor into his arms. “Can you walk?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to try.”

“Good girl.” Nathan rose to his feet, still holding onto Eleanor. He waited a moment as Eleanor got her footing, leaning into him with her head on his shoulder. His arms tightened around her. “Come on. Let’s go.”

He took his time getting to the door, allowing Eleanor to get used to walking. Her breathing was still shallow, but her colour was better. To think Leyton might have ended up suffocating the woman he loved before he could marry her. Or before anyone could have married her. If he had been a few more minutes, it would have been too late.

Don’t think about that. Eleanor’s safe. Just get her out of here.