There was a link with him and Matthew Leyton?

“You mean Leyton’s involved with stealing children as well?”

“That’s not been confirmed yet, but my contact spotted two men talking in an alleyway while he was hanging around a spot Mr. Black is known to frequent.” Simon’s eyes were bright. “One of them was Mr. Black. He heard the name and decided to follow the second man, which turned out to be Matthew Leyton.”

Nathan stared.

“He didn’t think to follow Black?”

“Not when he heard your name, and Eleanor’s.”

“When was this?”

“A few hours ago?”

A few hours ago, he was following Leyton after he spoke to Eric Black. How on earth did those two know each other? Leyton seemed too unstable for Black to find useful. Unless…

Oh, God. That was before…

“He saw the kidnapping, didn’t he?”

Simon nodded. “He followed Leyton out of the park carrying Eleanor and they got into a carriage.” He grimaced. “Eleanor looked to be unconscious.”

Eleanor had been unconscious. Nathan growled, which had Simon taking a step back.

“Are you serious, Simon? He saw a kidnapping happening and didn’t bother to step in?”

Simon huffed. “Come on, Nathan, do you always react as a soldier in a situation of such magnitude?”

“If he had done something, Eleanor would be safe.” Nathan snapped.

“But he’s managed to follow them.” Simon argued. “And he knows where they are, if you’ll get off your high horse and listen.”

“Where are they, then?”

“Putney Bridge Road by Wandsworth Park. Number fifteen.” Simon scowled. “My contact almost collapsed in a heap when he told me this. He had run back most of the way.”

“Then get him to have a meal in the kitchen and rest. Give him a little extra for his help.”

“Already done.”

Nathan grunted. Stepping around his friend, he hurried out into the hall, finding Mason approaching the closet door. He strode across the foyer as the butler took out his and Simon’s cloaks, handing Nathan’s to him.

“Will you be needing your hat, Captain?”

“Not this time.” Nathan flung his cloak on and tied it at the neck. “Call my carriage around to the front immediately. Then get four footmen and arm them. We’re going on a hunt.”

Mason’s eyes widened a little, but he nodded and headed towards the back of the house. The man had been with the family long enough not to say anything. He handed Simon his cloak as Simon left Nathan’s study before disappearing. Simon was still scowling as he put his cloak on.

“You still can’t shoot him, Nathan. Not without getting yourself into trouble.”

“I can certainly threaten to.” Nathan ran his hand through his hair. “What madness is he up to? How did he think kidnapping Eleanor was going to get him anywhere?”

“A man who was committed for several years,” Simon said grimly. “Sounds like it didn’t stop the obsession.”

He was right on that, but Nathan was going to make sure it stopped now.

* * *