Eleanor pushed herself to standing, glad that she wasn’t swaying anymore.

“I know that I’m in a room with a man who was committed by his family. You’re a madman and an obsessive one. I didn’t care for you before. Do you really think I’m going to care about you now after you’ve kidnapped me?”

Leyton arched an eyebrow. “You think you’re going to be happy with Reynolds? You think he’s going to give you the love and attention you deserve?”

“He and I have an arrangement. Who said marriage had to be about love?”

“Marriage has everything to do with love.” Leyton rose to his feet. “Especially if you’re going to be married for fifty years, maybe more.”

Eleanor snorted. “I don’t want to spend fifty seconds with you. You’ve exceeded your limit, Matthew.”

Leyton folded his arms, looking like he was talking to a disobedient child.

“So, you’re happy to be married to an army man who despises his title and is having an affair with Lady Chapman?”

Chapter Twenty-Five

“Ibeg your pardon?”

“Oh, didn’t you know? Those two have been having an affair for years. Even while Lady Chapman was married. She told me all about it.” Leyton shook his head. “You’re going to be left out in the cold. In your own marriage. That you don’t deserve.”

For a moment, Eleanor floundered. Nathan had told her several times that Lorraine Chapman meant nothing to him, and he preferred to never converse with her again. And she believed him. Nathan was a loyal man, one who meant what he said. Leyton was trying to get her to doubt everything.

It was not going to happen.

Her mouth felt very dry. Eleanor stepped around Leyton and went to the tray. She didn’t want to touch anything he offered her, but she was struggling with a sore throat. Eleanor poured herself a glass and took a sip. Then a gulp. She put the glass back down.

“You’re plucking things out of the air. Nathan...Captain Reynolds despises Lady Chapman.”

“And you believe him?”

“I do.” Eleanor turned to Leyton, fixing him with a cool stare. He looked slightly disgusted. “You get to know someone when you spend time with them on a regular basis. I have learned how to read my future husband. He’s not lying to me. He doesn’t want Lady Chapman anywhere near him. Much like I don’t want to be anywhere near you.”

Leyton stared at her, his eyes drifting over her face. He still looked disgusted. Good. Eleanor wanted him to be disgusted; she wanted to get away from him and out of this place. He couldn’t expect this to go his way, could he? If he did, he was more deluded than she thought.

“I was told you would be a challenge, knowing what I’m up against,” Leyton murmured. “But I didn’t realize how deep Reynolds’ hold went. He’s really got his claws into you.”

“What are you talking about?” Eleanor snapped. “Who told you that I was going to be a challenge?”

“The man who set this all up.” Leyton sniggered. “You think this was an arrangement to pay off your family’s debts, didn’t you? It was never about you, except you were convenient - at the right time. It was all about Reynolds. Bring him back to London, away from his soldier comrades. To taunt him, toy with him, and then…”

He drew a finger across his throat. Eleanor tensed.

“And then kill him,” she murmured. “I’m the bait.”

“You were, and very good bait. Captain Reynolds has fallen for you completely it seems and making him worry about you will distract him enough for my friend to do what he wants.” Leyton stepped towards her, causing Eleanor to back away and bump into the dresser. “So, you don’t need to worry about Captain Reynolds. You’ll still have a man who cares about you after all this. I’m sure we can sort things out.”

She had been bait for Nathan? Eleanor felt the panic overpowering her anger. She needed to get out of there. She had to find Nathan. If he came after her, whoever had set this in motion would kill him.

Eleanor tried to get around Leyton, but he stepped with her. Eleanor shoved him, and he didn’t budge.

“Get out of my way!”

“Not a chance.” Leyton grabbed her wrists. “You’re not going anywhere, Eleanor. I won’t let you. You belong with me now.”

* * *

“Nathan, what are you doing?”