“Try getting rid of me,” Simon growled.

“She said alone, Captain.” Fallowfields reminded him.

“And that’s not happening. Which room is she in?”

“Top of the stairs, second on the left.”

They would be in and out as quickly as possible. Nathan wasn’t spending more time than was necessary with Lorraine, even if she had just witnessed something horrible. His priority was finding out what happened to Eleanor.

He took the stairs two steps at a time, Simon close behind him, and went into the room Fallowfields picked out. Lorraine was sitting up in bed, wearing a pale pink housecoat. Mrs. Waverly, Fallowfields’ matronly housekeeper, was sitting in a chair beside her. The older woman rose as Nathan entered and curtsied.

“Captain Reynolds.”

“May I speak with Lady Chapman, Mrs. Waverly? Fallowfields gave permission.”

“Just a couple of minutes. We don’t want her upset again.”

Mrs. Waverly left the room, Simon holding the door open for her. Nathan didn’t take his eyes off Lorraine, who was glaring at Simon with a scowl.

“Why is he in here? I asked for you alone.”

“Because Captain Reynolds requested me.” Simon shut the door and leaned against it with his arms folded. “You know you can’t be alone with a man if you’re not married to him?”

“Fallowfields shouldn’t have agreed to it in the first place,” Nathan muttered. He would deal with the physician later. He strode to the bed. “And we haven’t got time to be arguing over propriety, Lorraine. Where is Eleanor Heavenly?”

“I…” Lorraine blinked. “What do you mean?”

“You wouldn’t be in the park to meet a companion, would you? I saw Lady Eleanor enter the park and then I find her chaperone near you after being attacked. That’s not a coincidence. What did you see?”

Lorraine stayed silent. Now she was looking nervous. She bit her lip and her hands twisted together. Nathan growled, and Lorraine jumped.

“Don’t stall, Lorraine. You’re not as hysterical as you make yourself out to be. What did you see?”

Lorraine squared her shoulders. She was trembling.

“It was Leyton. Matthew Leyton.”

Nathan looked at Simon, who was staring.

“Leyton attacked Eleanor?” Simon demanded.

“Yes. He...he forced me to help him,” Lorraine whimpered. “Said that he would...he would hurt my children if I didn’t do what he said.”

“What did he ask you to do, Lorraine?” Nathan urged. While he had some sympathy for using children as a weapon, he wasn’t about to comfort the woman when Eleanor was in trouble.

“I was to get Eleanor away from the house, somewhere secluded. Then he and Eleanor could talk. That’s all they were supposed to do.” Lorraine flinched. “By the time I realized something was wrong, he had attacked Miss Laurie.”

“What about Eleanor?”

“Eleanor fought him. Leyton...he knocked her out and took her away. They left towards the east side of the park. I…” Lorraine began to shake. “I didn’t know what to do. This whole thing…”

She buried her face in her hands and began to sob. But those sobs didn’t sound right. Something about all this sounded hollow. Lorraine was a strong woman; Nathan couldn’t see her being manipulated into doing this, even if her children were in danger. A madman like Leyton wouldn’t have any hold over her.

This didn’t sit well with Nathan at all.

Then he realized the sobs had stopped. Lorraine was raising her head, looking at him with watery eyes but no fallen tears. Biting her lip, she slipped out of the bed and walked towards him.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Nathan.” She reached for him, running a hand over his arm. “I knew you’d come to my rescue. You always do.”