Why would Eleanor come to the park at this time when she knew Nathan was visiting? It was pushing for time. And Marion’s worry was concerning him. Something else was going on.

Simon chuckled and shook his head.

“I swear the army has made you far too suspicious, Nathan. But let’s go and make sure they’re all right. It’s probably nothing and they’re going for a brisk walk before you visit.”

Nathan hoped that was the case. The army had made him wary of most things and always looking over his shoulder. He had been betrayed far too many times in the past by those who were supposed to be on his side. Nathan had found some peace with Eleanor. She made him relax, feel more human again.

Nathan could only hope that his friend was right.

Chapter Twenty-Four

They headed into the trees, heading along the narrow, enclosed path. Eleanor and Marion had disappeared. Chances were they had passed through the clearing and gone out the other side, so Nathan quickened his pace.

Then he saw her. A body lying on the ground at the end of the path. A body with black hair. Nathan stopped short, his heart almost stopping. For a moment, he saw Eleanor lying there unmoving. Then he realized that it was -


Nathan hurried to her and knelt beside her. Marion moaned as he carefully turned her over. There was a bruise coming up on her forehead, twigs and dirt clinging to her hair.

“Nathan.” Simon touched his shoulder. “Look.”

Nathan looked up, and then he saw Lorraine. She was kneeling across the clearing, rocking back and forth with a wild look in her eyes. There was a whimpering noise coming from her. What was she doing here? But from the look of her, she had seen something that had frightened her.

“Go to her. I’ve got Marion,” Nathan said.

Simon hesitated, giving Marion a desperate look, but then he hurried across to Lorraine. Nathan turned away from the hysterical woman and eased Marion upright, leaning her against his chest as he stroked her head.

“Marion? Marion, can you hear me?”

“I…” Marion stirred, and Nathan saw her eyes flutter open. She looked dazed as she stared up at him. “I... help...Eleanor…”

“What about Eleanor? Where is she?”

“Someone...trap...hit me…”

A trap. Nathan went cold. Eleanor had been lured out here. And now she was nowhere to be seen.

* * *

Nathan looked up as Fallowfields entered the room. The physician looked tired, mopping his head with a handkerchief. Nathan rose to his feet.

“How’s Miss Laurie?”

“She’s conscious.” Fallowfields sighed. “But I wouldn’t recommend talking to her right now. She was hit hard with something heavy. She wasn’t making much sense while I was checking her over.”

Beside him, Nathan felt Simon tense. His friend had been pacing around the room so much Nathan had been getting dizzy watching him. The fact that his friend was in a state over Eleanor’s companion was very telling.

Nathan took a deep breath. “What about Lady Chapman?”

“She wasn’t hurt. Just hysterical. I’ve given her something to calm her down and she’ll rest here before I have her escorted home. Mrs. Waverly is with her now.”

That was something. Nathan hadn’t been keen on bringing Lorraine along to Fallowfields surgery as well, but Simon had pointed out they couldn’t leave her. He relented, but he kept as far away as he could from Lorraine in the carriage without falling out. Lorraine was hysterical, clutching onto Simon, but there were moments when Nathan found her looking at him. He was glad he wasn’t anywhere near her.

“Did she say what happened?” Simon asked.

“She wouldn’t say anything until she talked to Captain.” Fallowfields raised his eyebrows. “And only him. She was adamant about that.”

Nathan would happily never be in a room with her again, but if this was a chance to find out what happened, he would have to brace himself. He glanced at Simon. “Stay in the room with me. I don’t want to be alone with her.”