“All right.” Marion bit her lip. “Just be careful.”

Eleanor nodded and headed towards Lady Chapman. This shouldn’t take long. Lady Chapman could say her piece and then she could leave them alone.

Lady Chapman looked up as Eleanor approached. Then she shot to her feet, squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath as she fixed Eleanor with a cool gaze.

“Lady Eleanor.”

“Lady Chapman.” Eleanor stood before her and folded her arms. “We’re here now. What do you want?”

Lady Chapman didn’t say anything. She simply started smiling, a curve of her mouth that made Eleanor instantly stiffen. She had been up to something, and whatever it was Eleanor had walked right into it.

There was a scream behind her, and Eleanor looked around to see someone with a scarf over their face grappling with Marion. She was putting up a fight, lashing out as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet. Eleanor panicked.


She started towards them, only to have pain explode in the back of her head. Lights flashed in front of her eyes, and Eleanor found herself falling. She sprawled on her hands and knees on the ground, everything swirling and spinning. Everything seemed to be tilted sideways, and she felt sick.

Eleanor tried to get up again, but then something hit her again. And Eleanor’s cheek hit the ground, making more pain explode in her face.

Then everything went black.

* * *

Nathan couldn’t wait to see Eleanor. So, instead of pacing around his study waiting for the time to leave, he decided to head over early and surprise her. Eleanor would scold him - she liked things to be orderly - but Nathan would also see that twinkle in her eyes. She would like it, although she would never admit it.

Eleanor was especially beautiful when she sparkled.

If Nathan had any doubts about marrying her before, he certainly didn’t now. Maybe this relationship could work out beyond simple friendship. He wanted it to he realised. They still had a lot to discuss regarding Eleanor’s work with children, but Nathan believed he could come to a compromise with her. He wouldn’t stop her, just ask her to scale back her visits, at least until Eric Black was caught. He was still a danger, and Nathan knew Eleanor could be considered a threat if she carried on. Maybe used as an unwitting accomplice. Eleanor would be devastated if she was used in that way.

Finding Black was Nathan’s priority. As was keeping Eleanor safe. Hopefully, she would understand.

He was passing the park when Nathan saw a familiar figure heading into the park. He sat up. Was that Eleanor? He rapped his hand on the roof of the carriage and it slowed to a stop. Nathan peered into the park. It wasn’t very populated, so it was easy to pick out Eleanor and her friend Marion on the path. They slowed for a moment, and he could see Marion’s face in profile. She looked worried.

What is she worried about?

Then Eleanor lead them off onto another path, heading into the trees. What on earth were they up to? Curiosity getting the better of him, Nathan got out of his carriage, signalling to his driver.

“Wait here for me, Glen.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Nathan headed into the park, scanning the trees. Eleanor and Marion had vanished into the trees. He couldn’t see them on the path. From what he remembered, there was a little clearing by a pond that was often popular with couples who wanted time away from their chaperones. Nathan had come upon several young suitors wooing their girl when they thought they wouldn’t be disturbed.

Was that what Eleanor was up to? Was she meeting someone? Nathan didn’t think so; she was far too honest to be courted by another man. But his gut said that something wasn’t right. And Marion’s expression had him worried.


Nathan turned. Simon was walking towards him, dressed for walking and carrying a cane. Nathan blinked.

“Simon. What are you doing here?”

“I was going for a walk. You know I cover a lot of ground.” Simon frowned. “What are you doing here?”

“I was on my way to see Lady Eleanor, but I…” Nathan gestured at the trees. “I saw her, and her companion go in there.”

“Maybe they wanted to go for a walk.”

“I’m meant to be visiting shortly, and it’s a bit of a walk from her home.”