Then Nathan saw the expression in the man’s eyes. Slightly wild. He was either desperate or mad. Nathan wasn’t sure which at the moment. He rose to his feet, causing the man to step back before he was knocked back. Nathan was easily taller than him, the other man’s head barely brushing his nose. And from the widening of his eyes, he wasn’t expecting Nathan to be that tall.

“Well, Mr…?”

“Leyton.” The man squared his shoulders. “Matthew Leyton.”

That name sounded familiar. He had to be a member of the Leyton family. Nathan knew Dominic Leyton, who was a little older than Nathan and Simon. Dominic had been a placid, sensible type. Settled down early with an equally sensible but sweet young lady. From the look of it, Matthew wasn’t as calm as his brother. He looked almost manic.

What was going on?

“Mr. Leyton.” Nathan fixed the other man with a cool stare. “Lady Eleanor and I are preparing to be married. It’s been in the works for a while now, and from the interactions I’ve had with Lady Eleanor, I don’t recall your name ever coming up.”

Leyton’s eyes flared. “You can’t expect Eleanor to go through with something you forced her into?”

Nathan folded his arms. “Are you suggesting that I somehow managed to force a young lady to marry me when I wasn’t even in the country at the time?”

“I wouldn’t put it past you.” Leyton’s lip curled in a sneer. “She doesn’t want to marry you.”

“How do you know?”

“I know Eleanor. She wouldn’t marry someone like you.”

Nathan bristled.

Simon snorted. “And what would that be, Sir? A decorated soldier who’s served his country? Or an Earl? What are you, anyway?”

“A better man than him.” Leyton jerked his chin at Nathan.

Nathan highly doubted that. This man seemed to think he could get what he wanted just by walking into the club and demanding that Nathan left Eleanor alone. Or was he threatening him? Nathan was not having it. He straightened to his full height and felt some satisfaction at seeing Leyton take half a step back.

“Lady Eleanor and I are getting married, end of story.” He used the voice he put on when disciplining his soldiers when they broke the rules. It always had men quaking, and it seemed to be working. “Unless you want to cause trouble, I suggest you back off and leave her be.”

Leyton blinked. Then his eyes narrowed, his bravado coming back.

“No. She’s mine. I’m going to have her. We’ll be gone before the wedding happens, trust me.”

Nathan snorted. He would like to see that happen. Not if he had anything to do with it.

“Listen closely, Mr. Leyton. You have any contact with Lady Eleanor, and I’ll make sure you’re chased out of London. I hear the navy are still looking for people to serve on their ships. Perhaps I can introduce you to a couple of friends who work on those ships. They need a swabber’s mate.”

Leyton’s face reddened. Nathan wondered what he thought would happen. He had wondered why men would fight over a woman, thinking it ridiculous. Now he could see why; a woman meant something.

Did that mean Eleanor meant something to him? Or was he just defending his territory?

You don’t need to answer that. You knew the moment you saw her.

Leyton’s eyes narrowed, and he snarled. For a moment, Nathan thought he was going to take a swing and braced himself for a fight. It would mean they would be banned from the club, but he wasn’t about to let himself get caught on the back foot again.

“You’ll regret this.” Leyton growled, jabbing a finger at Nathan’s face. Then he turned and stormed out. Moments later, there was the sound of a door banging and a shout from the doorman.

Nathan turned to Simon, who looked equally bewildered.

“What was all that about?” asked Simon.

“I have absolutely no idea.” Nathan eased himself slowly back into his chair. His head was starting to hurt again. “But I’m going to ask Lady Eleanor about that shortly.”

“You think she’s going to tell you about him?”

Nathan knew she would. He was going to make her.