It was a thrill that Eric loved to indulge. He stood and moved to join his servant.

“Where is he?”

“Out on the main table.” Davidson’s mouth twitched in a tiny smile. “He looks like he’s ready to lose more.”

“Then let’s go and make sure he does.”

Every time Edward Heavenly came into the building, Eric made sure everyone from those who worked with him, to those who sat at the table with the Baron, knew that as soon as Eric turned up, he would play to win against Heavenly. They were to make it look like Heavenly had a stroke of good luck, lull him into a false sense of security. Then Eric would come in and take everything he possibly could.

It had been a while since Eric had come across such an easy mark. Heavenly didn’t even realize he had been played. He just came back for more when a better man would have bowed out.

Eric moved into the hallway and then turned into the main room, standing in the doorway as he watched Heavenly with Baron Newton, another regular but someone who had a better sense of cards, who knew when to pull out. The young man dealing for them kept glancing at Heavenly, and Eric could see the play to make it look like Lord Edward Heavenly was winning. The dealers had been trained well.

“I thought he didn’t have enough money for this, Sir.” Davidson murmured. “What you’ve left him with wouldn’t be able to get him in the door.”

“He’s bartering with property now.”

“What?” Davidson frowned. “When did you allow that?”

“When I realized I would be playing for nothing.” Eric smirked. “Heavenly is that desperate to keep going that he is gambling away every part of his home.”

“He’s that desperate for money?”

“He’s that desperate for a win.”

And tonight, once Eric had made sure Heavenly was plied with a lot of wine, he was going to take everything from the man. Then he would have Heavenly taken home with his pockets empty. It was like having a toy, and Eric hadn’t got his full use out of him yet.

Eric approached the table. The room, which normally had a lot of chatter and laughter, fell silent as Eric prowled through the tables. He knew that he drew the eye with his striking appearance. The man he had called Father since he was a baby had told him to make sure he stood out but could also blend into the background at a moment’s notice. His father had owned this place, and he had worn a disguise to hide who he really was in case someone complained to the authorities. Eric did the same. His wigmaker was kept incredibly busy, but it was worth it. On these nights, he wore a golden-coloured wig with a ponytail held back with a black bow. It wasn’t as good as his regular hair, but it completely changed his appearance with the blond beard Eric had found as well, even if it tickled a little.

It made his other side-business a lot easier to handle when nobody knew what he really looked like. Eric wasn’t about to give that up.

Chapter Four

Eric cleared his throat and Baron Newton looked up. His eyes widened, and he rose to his feet, giving Eric a small bow before moving away with his drink. Heavenly looked up. His cheeks were ruddy red, and his eyes were glazed. He had been hitting the alcohol a lot more lately, and from what Heavenly said, his daughter had made sure to hide all the drink. It made him easier to bend to Eric’s will if he dangled a decanter of scotch in front of him.

“Mr. Black, Sir.” Heavenly tried to get up but failed. He licked his lips. “I didn’t realize you were going to be here tonight.”

“I’m always here, Lord Heavenly.” Eric gestured at the scribbled notes on the table near the dealer’s hand. “You’re bartering with property, I see?”

“You said it was allowed.”

“I know but are you sure you want to do that.” Eric bit back the smile as he settled into the chair vacated by Newton. “Seeing as I’ve got a lot of your money now, do you want to lose your home to me as well?”

Heavenly laughed and tapped the table with his hand.

“I’m not going to lose to you this time,” he declared. “I feel lucky tonight.”

“I’m sure you do.” Eric looked around. Everyone was watching them. Good. That would make the humiliation worse. “But let’s gamble for something a little more...interesting.”


That sounded far too eager. Eric was sure Heavenly would waver when he heard the wager. Still, Eric had been leaving the best until last, and Heavenly wouldn’t realize he had been used until it was too late.

Eric gestured for the dealer to shuffle the cards.

“You have a daughter, don’t you? Eleanor, I think her name is.”

“Yes.” Heavenly blinked. “How do you know about her?”