Page 31 of Caught By Daddy

He grins, that handsome face irresistible.

“Of course not, honey, and I appreciate your sacrifice. Still, it’s a thought…”

I giggle again.

“Yeah, but we really should figure out our daughter’s name first,” I murmur. “The hospital says we can take our time, but they’ve kind of been bugging me even though I love calling her ‘Nugget.’”

Sam nods thoughtfully. “Any ideas?”

I ponder for a moment.

“Well, I do miss Ramona a lot. You know she went back to Chicago, right?”

My boyfriend nods.

“Yeah, and I know you’ve been sad about it. She was a good friend.”

“Yes, and she was a lot of fun too. You know that Ramona was only working at Club Z for the money, right? And actually, she specialized in taking two guys at once because it paid more.”

Sam stares at me.

“Holy fuck, are you kidding me?Thatgirl?”

I giggle.

“Yes, it’s true! But don’t worry because Ramona really enjoyed threesomes. She said it made her feel really full, and that sometimes she’d come twice as hard from having two men inside.”

Sam shakes his head, and I notice how the bulge at his crotch twitches.

“Holy fuck,” is all he says again.

I nod once more.

“So yes, I miss her and her sassy ways. I asked if she was going to find a new club once she gets to Chicago, but the stint here was just a secret once-in-a-lifetime gig. Not only that, but she’s embarked on some kind of revenge scheme against some dude who stiffed her. Or something like that.”

Sam merely shakes his head again.

“Well, he’s definitely in for it then,” my boyfriend growls, “because Club Z girls give as good as they get, so he’s about to get the ride of his life.”

I nod.

“Hell yeah. Imagine what she’s going to do to him: maybe she inserts a dildo into his ass while he’s hanging upside down? Or she locks him in a cage and then fondles his balls through the wires? Who knows? I wouldn’t put it past her. Anyways, I miss Ramona like crazy, and she was really good and kind to me when we were going through our issues.”

My boyfriend merely whistles.

“Holy shit, I didn’t know Club Z girls could be like that,” he remarks. But then Sam brightens. “Well, do you want to name the baby Ramona then? It’s a solid name, and I am grateful for everything she did for us.”

I smile at the idea, but shake my head.

“No, no. I was actually thinking Griselda for my old nanny. What do you think? We could call our daughter Grizzie for short.”

Sam looks taken aback.

“Grizzie, like a grizzly bear?”

“Yeah,” I smile. “Exactly like that.”

Sam mulls over the idea as he looks down at the baby once more, but then he grins. “Griselda it is then,” he states. “Our little Grizzie.”