Nicky Fox leaned backwards against a brick wall, her arms folded across her chest in a black turtleneck.
True Materials is excited to announce our new interim CEO will be our all-star former CMO Nicky! Behind the scenes Nicky has been working hard to keep creating the True Materials vision, and we’re excited for this #newera in our leadership structure.
Nessy’s strawberry blonde hair was flying around her face in the Cornish wind, Henry huddled over her like a physical barricade. She flashed a perfect smile and an even more perfect solitaire diamond ring to the camera.
Can’t stop sharing these pics from our engagement!! Thanks for the snap @ishtory. I love you so much H xxx
Jonathan’s back was to the camera, overlooking a sunset, in some remote and dusty country that he’d been so enigmatic as to not tag. A solitary Harley Davidson was propped up on a nearby wall.
Some things are for a reason, others for a season, on to the next chapter.
Nanny G raises a small crystal glass to toast the pictures of Grandpa M and Vernon on her mantlepiece. (Wait … is that a man’s slippered foot in the background?)
Don’t mourn a lost love: you get more than one in life. Just like when you’ve run out of Buck’s fizz, only to find a box of Snowballs at the back of the cupboard. Keep looking on to your next adventure.
A silent beach with palm trees that dip into the water. It’s sunset as the sky has turned orange. Ish’s palm reaches into the frame, a ring in his hand.
I hope we can make every day as good as this one