Page 53 of The Last First Date

‘Oh Aiden, stop being so cryptic! It’s over by the bell tent.’ Fairy jumped in and offered a bangled hand. ‘You can also call me Sara by the way. So how are you finding it?’

‘It’s probably safe to say I haven’t really gotten into it yet.’ Helen tugged uncomfortably at the sparkling bodysuit Elle had convinced her to wear.

‘You have to go with the flow and not resist …’ The shrew rolled around in Aiden’s breast pocket, a pink tip of tail flicked over the top of the lining, clearly it was having some issues with just letting go.

‘What Aiden’s trying to say is, it takes time; go get some signal, some good food and if you need anything, find me later.’ Fairy turned around and hit a button which illuminated a pair of fairy wings on her backpack.

Elle shot Helen a look that said, ‘we should have just asked her first’. Women were always so much cooler than men. Except Brody, Helen thought, except Brody.

Helen and Elle sat on a couple of hay bales outside the Wi-Fi bell tent and watched their phones connect.

Henry:You left your thermal leggings here. Weather looks all right so you probably won’t need them.

Mum:Darling, I asked you to text when you arrived!

Can you please let me know you’re okay?

I’m worried now!


Sophie:Wish I was there! Have the best time – send pics! xx

Ish:I’m having second thoughts about coming, if you still need a wingman?

Nanny G:Don’t forget to have fun!

Then there were Alice’s stories from yesterday …

An orange camper van driving down the road towards #shipwrecked.

A looped video of a group of people in matching tiger print onesies jumping out of the back of the van – was that Brody in the background? Helen tried holding her finger to the screen to pause the video, but the two guys of the group were too pixelated to be certain.

Throwing open the door to an Airstream caravan … Helen knew it.

Waking up in bed and throwing a pillow at someone.

A pouty selfie in a 1920s sparkling headdress.

Climbing to the crow’s nest in the pirate ship. Of. Course.

Pulling back the curtain on a tent.

Helen looked at the hordes of people in headscarves, turbans and face paint. How was she ever going to see Brody here?

‘Wait … wait, there was a sign on that tent!’ Elle’s finger jabbed the screen. ‘Go back!’

Helen replayed the clips. She must be Alice’s top fan by now.

‘There!’ Elle held her finger to the screen to pause the video, and Helen could just read the sign ‘Sharing Stage’. ‘It was only posted thirty-four minutes ago, come on! We can make it!’

Elle grabbed Helen’s hand and they jogged back down the cliff path into the maze of circus tents. Helen could feel her heart beginning to race.

‘Geez Helen your hands are sweaty!’ Elle let go of her hand.

‘I’m sorry I’m nervous, is this outfit okay?’ Elle stopped and looked hard at Helen. She licked her finger and rubbed near Helen’s eye like she was five years old. ‘You had a little mascara smudge, now you’re perfect. Perfect Helen! Come on! This is so exciting!’ She jogged up to the tent clapping her hands.

Inside, the sharing stage tent was dim, with only small cracks of light coming under the tent lining. Yoga mats and beanbags were scattered across the floor, all looking up towards a small, spot-lit stage. An intense looking man in an open shirt was pontificating: