Page 43 of The Last First Date

Sophie:I can’t.

Helen’s internal Jenga tower of feelings wobbled.

Sophie:I feel so bad.

Frank’s parents are in London that weekend … wedding planning stuff.

But honestly you should go!

Of course Sophie couldn’t traipse over to some random festival with her, because Sophie was now a real grown-up, with a fiancé, family commitments and a house deposit. Helen took a moment to hold her phone to her chest and breathe.

Helen:I can’t go alone!!

Sophie:What about Elle?

Helen:Can you see Elle at a festival? She’s going to make me feel *this* small for even wanting to go.

Sophie:Henry? You guys were always tight?

Helen:He’ll think I’m crazy … besides you know Henry, he’s so square he’s a cube.

At least I’m only a 2D square.


Helen:Haven’t hung out with her in ages.

You’re the only person I can ask.

Sophie:I’m so sorry Hels.

Helen:It’s okay, I understand.

Helen didn’t understand. She couldn’t process how she was the last woman left standing; her singleness had become an island. All her friends had sailed away on earlier boats whilst being single was still fun, and left Helen stranded, the water rising, with the little parts that made single life actually enjoyable gradually evaporating.

Helen’s phone buzzed again.

Ish:Hels – how are ya?

Helen:Hi Watson ;-)

Ish:Yeah that is me isn’t it?

What are you up to?

Helen:Whole lotta nothing.

Ish:Not even baking?

Helen:I’m on strike.

Ish:Ah that’s a shame because I had some ideas for your videos …

Thought maybe we could get a drink next week?

Whenever you’re free?

Helen:How about tonight?