Page 4 of Taste of Sin

There’re a thousand logical reasons I shouldn’tcomply withmy father’s unreasonable demand. For starters, I don’t even know Dominic Delgado. Sure, I’ve heard of him enough to know he’s a wealthy businessman. I remember seeing him with my father on several occasions and even spoken to him once at my mother’s funeral. Not bad on the eyes, if I remember correctly but at least ten years older than me. I’m also smart enough to know this business he conducts with my father isn’t all above board. I’ve overheard enough conversations. Witnessed plenty of side deals, sealed with a cigar and a wad of cash. The two are as thick as thieves and nothing good ever comes from that.

“The only way to keep Xander from hurting you is to make you unattainable. Marrying Dominic guarantees that.”

And to think, I was worried he’d be irrational. “So, to save me from one bad man you want to marry me off to another? That’s ridiculous.” I scoff.

“I don’t remember asking your opinion. My decision is final.” The boom in my father’s voice causes me to tremble. He’s serious.

“I won’t do it.” I rise from the couch. “In case you forgot I’m not a child and you can’t make me marry a man I don’t love.”

“You will, not because I said so but because both of our lives depend on it. We leave for Philadelphia tomorrow morning. End of discussion. The sooner you're out of Xander’s reach the better.” My father limps out of the room closing his bedroom door behind him.

Shocked and stunned, I grab my cell phone from the table and storm off in the opposite direction, slamming my own bedroom door like an insolent child. Pacing the length of my room, I dial Collin’s number. At this hour he’s probably asleep but if you can’t call your best friend at three in the morning, who can you call? Collin and I grew up together. He stood by my side through all the tough times, and I stood by him when those around him made him feel guilty for embracing his sexuality. There wasn’t a side of him I didn’t love and never thought twice about it when he came out. In fact, his courage only made me love him more. He knows who he is and embraces it openly. I wish I had his strength. I wish I knew who I was and what I wanted. I’m not a virgin but that’s a side of me I haven’t figured out yet. What it takes to satisfy me. I suppose I just haven’t met the right man yet and by the sounds of it, I’m not going to get the chance.

As predicted Collin answers on the second ring, “It’s not that I’m not happy to hear from you, Cals, but do you know what time it is?”

“About a quarter after the end of my life as I know it.” I snark.

“I knew it you little slut, you screwed Xander and now you’re knocked up.” Collin teases through a massive yawn.

“He wishes. This is worse; much, much worse.” I cry and crawl into my bed tucking the phone between my ear and my pillow.

I’ve got his full attention now. “What could be worse than the devil's spawn?”

Like most everyone else, Collin doesn’t like Xander. It just took me longer to see past the charming charade he played for me. “I’m getting married. In two days.”

“Excuse me? Are you high?”

“Stop teasing. This is serious. My father has lost his mind and is insisting I marry his business associate, some guy named Dominic Delgado.”

Collin clears his throat. “Dominic Delgado as in the mobster?”

“What are you talking about?” My text message notification pings in my ear. I sit up and place the call on speaker so I can check the incoming message.

“This Dominic Delgado?” Collin asks as I open the image file attached to the message he just sent.

My mouth gabs open at the tabloid picture captured with the phrase, Philadelphia’s most prized bachelor, rumored to be a top player in the Global Outlaw Syndicate. My father’s final words replay in my mind. Both our lives depend on it. He’s been making deals with the mafia and this one involves me.

“I’m not saying this isn’t crazy but he’s sexy and savage. I bet he’s a damn wicked lover. I’ve never been more jealous of you, Cals, than I am right now.”

“Then you marry him.” I bite.

“I don’t think he swings that way sweetheart, but strange things are happening all around tonight.”

“Stranger than this?”

“You didn’t hear about Benji Williams?”

“What do you mean? I just saw him tonight at dinner. He’s getting married too, only he’s in love with his fiancé.”

“He was. Now he’s dead.”

Holy shit.

“That’s not possible.” My heart skips a beat.

“I heard it might have been a mugging, but his throat was cut.”

“That’s horrible.” I saw the rage in Xander’s eyes, felt the fury in his hands but I never imagined he’d do something like this. Was it a mugging or was Benji killed just for talking to me? My father is right, as strong as he is, he’s no match for Xander, just look at the condition he returned in. Hopefully Dominic Delgado is or anyone I care about could be next.