Page 11 of Taste of Sin

I let out a sigh, also suddenly realizing I have no idea where I’m going. I pull out my phone and open Collin’s location. Thankfully the address is only a few blocks away because I don’t have a car. I follow the map on my phone until we arrive at the bakeshop where he’s already inside waiting for me. He waves at me through the large pane window, like he’s just spotted an old friend he hasn’t seen in ages. It’s been less than twenty-four hours.

“I’ll wait here, take your time.” Lanah states before I pull open the door to head inside.

“Can I get you a coffee or something?” I ask, feeling awkward about her standing on the street waiting for me but I don’t know the rules. Maybe she’s not allowed to sit down. Maybe joining us would be just as weird for her as it would be for us. There’s lots I’m going to need to learn about my new life, and having a bodyguard trail my every move is one of them. It could be worse. At least Dominic was considerate enough to hire a female, which makes this less awkward.

Lanah raises the paper coffee cup still in her hand and says, “I’m fine. Thank you.”

Thankfully, she gives me some privacy. I don’t know if I could deal with constant surveillance.

“Of all the bakeshops in Philly, you pick the best one.” I slide onto the charming iron chair directly across the small round table where Collin is sitting.

“Well of course. My girl needs coffee and a donut and now that you’re a wealthy and powerful woman only the best will do.” He motions to the woman behind the counter. Her hair is graying, and she looks tired but has the sweetest smile plastered on her face as she places a coffee and a chocolate glazed donut with confetti sprinkles in front of me.

“I’m neither of those things. What I am is a pawn but thank you.” I smile at Collin. He knows me so well.

“Enough with the small talk, Cals. I need details.” Collin raises his eyebrow at me while drawing a cup of coffee to his lips. “What the hell happened?’

I take in the glorious first sip of steaming hot coffee and let it linger on my tongue for a moment before finally lowering it. “It all happened so fast. One minute we’re exchanging vows, the next bullets are flying every which way and I’m being carried out of there. This morning, it’s like nothing happened. Well except for apparently, I now have a babysitter.” I tilt my head toward the window. Collin’s eyes follow my motion until he spots Lanah just outside. As I draw my gaze back, the man at the table next to us diverts my attention when he does the same.

Is he listening to our conversation?

A sudden chill creeps down my spine but I shake it off. I must be paranoid.

“I can’t believe you really went through with it.” Collin asks, “What is he like?”

I can’t believe I followed through with something so compulsive either. “I don’t know,” I shrug my shoulders, “I don’t know anything about him or what he does. I went to bed alone and woke up alone, Thank God.”

Questions I should have asked beforehand flood my mind. The way my body quaked as Dominic explained what my vows would mean, left my mind a scattered mess. I didn’t ask what he did for a living, besides allegedly being a mafia kingpin. I didn’t ask where we would live. I now know, my new home is referred to as the ‘Tower’, after overhearing the driver last night. I don’t even know if he has a family. Hell, he could have a girlfriend for all I know.

Does that make me the other woman, or would she be?

Collin leans forward, lowering his voice, “You didn’t consummate your marriage?” He crooks his fingers in air quotes.

“Collin James, that’s personal.” I feign offense. Collin and I share everything but I’m suddenly uncomfortable having this conversation with him, wondering if the man behind him is listening. Who could blame me for being paranoid? But something in my gut is tugging at me. The man shifts in his seat and cocks his head as if straining to hear and pretending not to. Maybe he saw it on the news? But how would he know who I was? There were no cameras around me. Franco got me out there before the police or the news crews showed up. I’m certain of it. I study the man’s face cautiously from over Collin’s shoulder. The lack of emotion in his eyes is unnerving. He’s not even trying to be discreet any longer.

Collin laughs and leans back in his seat. “I’m just saying, if you didn’t do the dirty with the man yet, you can still get out of this. If you wanted to.”

I shift in my seat and bring my focus back to Collin. “Let’s talk about something else. Anything else, please.”

I don’t know what I’m doing. I married a stranger out of loyalty to my father, out of fear of Xander and now my life is twisted and turned upside down. I’m not the compulsive type. I overthink and overanalyze and hardly ever pull the trigger when I want something. I always talk myself out of it. Maybe that’s what happens when you lose your mother as a young girl. Your self-worth becomes more about survival than thriving. I look around the bakeshop and a sadness creeps over me. This was our dream. Collin and I had planned on having our own bakery one day. Another dream I didn’t follow through on. I don’t know if my marriage will be a dream come true or a nightmare, but I need to see how it’s going to play out. For now. My dad is counting on me.

As if he knows exactly what I’m thinking, because he always does, Collin’s hand gently covers mine. “Sometimes life throws us curve balls. Sometimes dreams change. You got married, but you can still have this if you want it and if you don’t that’s alright too. Hell, you are Mrs. Dominic Delgado, you bad ass bitch. Embrace it.”

That got the man’s attention. If he didn’t know who I was before he does now. The man goes still, his eyes still locked on me.

“I have to go.” I end our reunion abruptly and push out of my seat.

“What’s wrong?’ Collin asks, confused at my sudden dismissal of him.

“Nothing. I’m tired and I still need to unpack.” I lean in and give Collin a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll call you.”

“You can do better than that, Cals. Meet me here tomorrow morning? I want to hear more about this husband of yours.”

“Yeah sure, tomorrow.” I toss over my shoulder, taking quick steps towards the door.

I can’t help the sense of unease sliding through me. It grows stronger as I pass by the stranger. His hand jets out and catches me by the arm. “Have a nice day, Mrs. Delgado.”

I jerk from his grip and rush out of the bakeshop. I find Lanah where I left her. She’s still nursing her cup of coffee, but her focus is locked and loaded. “Do you know that man?”