“Did I hurt you?” Evan says, his voice deep with concern.

“No. But we can’t, Evan. Not this weekend. Not ever.”

And then I slide out from between Evan and the wall and rush away.

Chapter Four


Rose’s words are still stinging in my chest when I wake up the next morning.We can’t, Evan. Not this weekend. Not ever.

I almost went after her again after she walked away from me last night. Almost told her that after kissing her sweet lips, I now know she’s the one. But I stopped myself because I knew she needed some space, and I was still processing the realization myself.

Sheisthe one, though. She’s the only woman for me. I’ve never known anything with so much certainty.

Now I just have to prove to her that I’m the man for her.

I push the blankets off and sit up on the edge of the hotel bed, scrubbing my hands across my sleep-creased face. After a quick shower, I head down to the dining room to find some breakfast.

She’s there, of course. Looking just as gorgeous as yesterday as she stands in front of the buffet trying to decide which breakfast pastry to pick.

“Good morning,” I say as I walk up beside her.

There’s a flash of something in her eyes as she looks up at me. “Morning.”

“The cinnamon rolls look good.”

“Yeah. They do. But I really shouldn’t…” She looks down at the plate in her hand, which has fruit and scrambled eggs on it. “I’ve been trying to watch my diet.”

“Why? You’re perfect.”

I love the flush that crawls up her neck and over her cheeks.

“Come sit with me,” I say.

“Evan, I don’t think—”

“I’ll be good. Won’t try to kiss you. Scout’s honor.”

She presses her lips together, considering my promise, then helps herself to one of the cinnamon rolls.

“Okay,” she says. “Lead the way.”

We walk over to a corner table with a beach view. As she gets settled, I go pour us each a coffee. When I return to our table and dig a handful of creamers and sugar packets out of my pocket, Rose laughs.

“What?” I say, smiling as I sit down. “I didn’t know how you take your coffee.”

“I just like a little cream.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.”

“Evan…” There’s that pretty flush on her cheeks again.

“What?” I say, picking up a piece of bacon. “I’m not implying anything. I’m just saying, the next time I’m getting coffee for you, I’ll know how you’ll take it.”

“Okay, okay.”

I eat a bite of the bacon. “So tell me what you’ve been up to since high school.”