God, my feet are aching. These heels are going to be the death of me.

I cross one leg over the other, slip off my shoe, and knead the sole of my foot. I’ve just let out a sigh of relief when someone approaches.

When I look up, Evan is standing right in front of me.

“Mind if I take a seat?”

“Um…sure. Go ahead.”

He sits down on the bench beside me. “You’ve been working hard, taking care of everyone.”

“Part of the job,” I say, shrugging lightly. “I enjoy it.”

“But who takes care of you?”

“Oh, I don’t need…” My words choke off when he reaches out and brushes a strand of hair from my face. For a fraction of a second, his hand cups my cheek, and my heart thrums in my chest. I stare at him in disbelief as his eyes drop to the leg I have crossed over the other. Jesus. He’s making me tingle. Making me…wet.

“Can I?”

I swallow. “Can you what?”

“I saw you rubbing your foot. They must hurt.”

The thought of his hands massaging my feet sends another wave of lust between my legs.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Evan.”

“Having someone take care of you isn’t a good idea?”

“You and I aren’t a good idea. You’re my best friend’s brother.”


I stand up. “I’m sorry. I need to go check on something.”

“What exactly do you need to check on?”

Fuck. He’s called my bluff.

“Just…something.” I turn and start to walk away before I do something I’ll regret.

“Rose, wait.”

When he reaches out and grabs my hand, I don’t resist. I let him turn me. I let him pull me into a little side hallway where we can be alone.

He’s so close to me now that I can smell the piney scent of his soap.

“I’m sorry,” he says, his expression serious. “It’s just that you do something to me. Ever since I saw you this morning, I can’t stop thinking about you.”

My heart stops. For a second, I swear, it juststops.

“I keep thinking about you too,” I say, my voice almost a whisper. His closeness is tangling my tongue and twisting all the thoughts in my brain. I want to tell him Courtney will be angry with us, that she warned me about him, but all I want is him. I want his hands and his lips on me.

And I must give that away in my face, because suddenly his lips are on mine and his hands are spread over my hips, inching my dress upward. His knee is between my legs, pushing my thighs apart.

I’m in very real danger of coming right here, in this hallway, before Evan’s fingers ever reach my panties.

A door slams somewhere nearby and the sound yanks me out of my lust-filled haze. I tear my lips away from Evan’s and press my hands firmly against his chest, struggling not to pull him in again.