Besides, even if he did notice me, it’s not like it would be a good idea to pursue him. Not only is he Courtney’s brother, but Courtney has made countless comments over the years that have made it clear Evan is busy living up the rock star lifestyle. She’s always joking about his groupies and how there are probably some little Evans running around out there that he doesn’t even know about.


Definitelynot getting involved in something like that.

Forty minutes later,I’m absorbed in the final details of tonight’s rehearsal dinner when I hear a deep, resonating voice speak my name.

“Yes?” I tuck my pen behind my ear and turn around. “Can I help—”

My words falter when I see who it is.

Evan is standing in front of me. I’m not prepared for the lust that lashes across me. Oh, good lord, the man is beautiful. Muscular as hell, too.Howis he this hot?

“I thought that was you,” Evan says, grinning at me. One side of his mouth quirks up slightly more than the other and it gives him a sexy, brash look that mustkillat his concerts. “Court told me you were running the show for her.”

“I, uh…yeah.” Jesus. All it takes is a few seconds of being in Evan’s presence and I’m a stuttering high school girl again. Now all I need is for a pimple to pop up and we’ll be all set. “I am.”

“Cool. Well, thanks for sending the car. I told Court it really wasn’t necessary, but she insisted on it.” He shakes his head with a smile and glances around. “Where is she, anyway?”

“She’s at the spa.”


I nod at him, my head bobbing up and down like one of those bobble head things.

Get yourself together, Rose. This isn’t cute.

“So…” Evan’s voice trails off as he glances around the lobby. I can’t help but stare at how strong his neck is. If the muscles of his neck are that strong, I can only imagine how ripped the rest of him is.

I strike the thought from my mind and clear my throat. “Did you get checked in?” I ask, infusing professionalism into my voice. I’m a professional wedding planner and I’m going to act like it, damn it.

Even if my thighs are on fire.

“Yup. I was just headed up to my room.” He lifts his suitcase slightly.

“Okay. Oh, by the way, I’ll need to touch base with you about the set up for the wedding reception. I understand you’re playing a song for the first dance, correct?” It was a last-minute change that Courtney informed me of a couple of days ago.

“It’s just me.”

“Just you what?”

“It’s just me and my guitar. I don’t need any kind of setup.”

And I can see it then, just like when we were younger, like that time he performed in front of the whole school during a talent show: Evan alone with his guitar, his eyes closed, his voice soulful and low as he sang.

It was the moment I fell hard for him. The moment I knew I’d never get over him.

“Right,” I say. “Okay. That’s easy, then.”

“Anything else?” he says.

Everything. I want everything from you, Evan.

I shake my head and clasp my planner tightly in my hands.

“Nope,” I say, giving him my best professional smile.

Chapter Two