The bar is crowded,but I quickly spot Courtney across the room. She’s at a high-top table with a martini in front of her and another one waiting in front of an empty stool.

“Hey, missy,” I say, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before sliding onto the stool across from her. “God, you’re so tan. I’m jealous.”

“Honestly, I’m kind of surprised I got this dark.” Courtney evaluates a bronzed arm before flashing me a grin. “Especially considering we spent practically all of our honeymoon in the hotel.”

I laugh and take a sip of my martini. “So, uh, besides the copious amount of sex…how’s married life? You guys buy matching outfits yet?”

“Oh, yeah. Totally. Just picked out our fanny packs today,” Courtney says. “No, seriously, though, it’s the best being married to Leon. He’s just so…” Her voice trails off and her eyes light up like the stars. “…incredible. In every way.”

“Aww, Court. That’s so sweet.”

She lets out a dreamy sigh, then shakes it off. “Okay. Enough gushing. What have you been up to lately?”

I feel a little kick of guilt and take another sip of my drink. “Not much. Just work.”

“Really?Allyou’ve been doing is work?” She flashes me a doubtful look.

I offer a shrug and try to think of something else to tell her.Ugh. Why can’t I think of anything else to talk about?

I feel my cheeks start to heat up.

“Um…Rose? Is there something you want to tell me?”

I imagine telling her the truth. But even just thinking the admission makes my stomach churn.

“Wait,” says Courtney. “Did youmeetsomeone?”

“No,” I say quickly. Technically, it’s not a lie. I already knew Evan. I just didn’t know him the way I got to know him in that hotel room in Hawaii.

“Not buying it,” says Courtney, who is clearly amused. “You totally met someone. Your cheeks are bright red!”

“Sorry, Court. But no. I’m not seeing anyone.”

That’s not a lie either. I’m not dating Evan. I haven’t even responded to any of his texts.

“You know I’m going to keep pestering you until I get it out of you, right?” she says, lifting her martini glass to her lips.


Well, maybe thereisa way around this…

“Okay,” I say, exhaling. “There’s a guy who’s been asking me out.”

The look on Courtney’s face is pure glee. “All right. Now we’re getting somewhere. Tell me more.”

I shrug. “There’s not much more to tell. He’s asked me out several times, but I haven’t said yes to any of his invitations.” I grab the happy hour menu off the table and avert my eyes. “Want to split some nachos?”

“Stop changing the subject. Why aren’t you saying yes? Is he a creeper?”

“No. He’s not. He’s just…” I shake my head.

“Unemployed? Lives with his mom? Has a wife and two kids? Come on, what’s wrong with him?”

I scramble to think of a reason I can give her. I can’t exactly give the excuse about him being a player, because then I’d have to come up with a reason for how I know that.

“There’s nothing wrong with him,” I say. “It’s just that he travels a lot for work.”
