
“Oh, hello, stranger.”

Millie’s voice slightly echoes, sounding like she’s answering from the bluetooth in the car. Since Jessa’s unexpected call with an invitation to dinner with her and Benedict, my head has been a mess. When Jessa said Benedict was beside her—the odd behavior made sense. What didn’t make sense was him wanting me to bring a date. I wasn’t sure what difference it would make since the whole dinner idea is ludicrous. Declining the invite sounds like a much better plan, but I can tell by the sound in Jessa’s voice, it isn’t a good idea.

“Can you talk?”

“As long as you don’t use the ‘f’ word.”

“Kids?” I ask, scratching my jaw as I settle with my fifth coffee of the day.

“Yes, on the way home from swimming lessons.”

“Maybe I should call you another time.”

“Ashton has his headphones on. Archer is the sponge to worry about. So talk, looks like he’s about to crash anyway.”

I take a deep breath. “I don’t have time to get into the details, but Benedict has requested I join him and Jessa for dinner.”


“And to bring a date.”

“Wait, I’m confused. You know what, I need more context. Why would he invite you? Are you guys talking again?”

“Yes, as I said, I don’t have time to get into it.”

“Okay, well, who does he think you are?” She questions, then quickly continues, “I mean, how were you introduced?”


“Does he know you’re notactuallycousins?”

“Yes… it was said, though Jessa skirted around the introduction.”

We were brought up as cousins our whole lives, so I didn’t blame Jessa for introducing me that way. It was never a big deal, and no one ever questioned us.

“So, this invitation, it’s a big deal because?”

My patience is wearing thin. It shouldn’t be a big deal. It’s the last thing I want to do and bring adate.What kind of fucking request was that? Something doesn’t sit right with me, especially after our conversation last night when I was forced to admit mypastfeelings for her.

I close my eyes momentarily, remembering when Jessa asked, and I was done lying about it. There’s nothing left to lose, not when she’s married to another man.

“You know what, you’re right. It shouldn’t be a big deal,” I agree reluctantly.

“Andy?” Millie says softly. “Can I say something?”

When it comes to my relationship with Millie, I consider her like an older wise sister. She knows me better than I know myself and never pushes me unless warranted. If this exact conversation happened with Ava, she wouldn’t ask for permission to say something. She would blurt it out unapologetically.

“Go on…”

“It sounds to me like Benedict suspects something.”

“There’s nothing to suspect, Millie. She’s married.”

“Yeah, and I was engaged.”

“But you didn’t have a kid.”