Page 26 of Outside the Wire

My head hurts too badly to do all of this thinking and in the end, Jack is right - I am exhausted. Having to go back through all of that and re-live it as I talked about it really stressed me out and now I have to put up with Jack.

"Fine. But I'm coming back tomorrow and she better not be hurt - worse than she is right now." Libby takes her time with her goodbyes like she is purposefully defying Jack. Eventually, she and Jim leave me alone with Jack and all of this unanswered tense relationship stuff that makes the pounding in my brain worsen.

"You should have told me as soon as your head started hurting and not tried to wait until they left." He crawls behind me again and starts unbraiding my hair. His fingers brush along the collar of the shirt and the back of my hair and causes me to tense up, the last thing I want to do right now is be that poor college kid who falls head over heels in love.

"Time for a bath?"

"What?!" I normally love baths and soaking until I am nothing but a prune, spending hours reading while washing my cares away but this is one of those few times in my life that I can honestly say I do not want to think about a bath and all the ritualistic stuff I usually do to prepare for one. Even if I didn't do the candles and the reading I still don't want to wait for a tub to fill up. I just want to rest - like he promised Libby he would let me do.

"A soak in the tub will make you feel better, take some of the soreness out of your muscles so it won't be so bad tomorrow, and get the dried blood off of you."

"I have dried blood on me?" I thought I was saying it in my head but apparently, I spoke out loud.

"Yeah Sweets, you do. I got most of it off when I washed you're face and hands but you still have some around your hairline and I'm sure a bath will make you feel better."

"But Jack, I just want to rest. I don't think I have the energy to do all of the things I would normally do in a bath." He's not listening to me. He's already gone somewhere else. I roll my eyes at his bossiness. He may try to tell me what to do but he can't make me do it if I don't want to.

I'm jostled out of a light doze when he lifts me off the bed. I don't know how long I was out but it was long enough for him to unbutton my/his shirt. "Jack, what are you doing? I told you I don't want to take a bath right now. I just want to sleep."

"You can stay asleep, sweetheart. You just lay back and rest." I don't understand what he means if he's still holding me and we're still moving.

He gives the door to the bathroom a little shove with his foot before taking me in. It smells really good in here, like...Jack and something else, some kind of flower but not a feminine one. He sits me down for a second on the vanity and steadies me so I don't tip back. He has the shirt I'm wearing off before I can question why this might not be a good idea. His clothes come off next. Well, his jeans. He isn't wearing underwear and hasn't put on a shirt since Jim and Libby left.

I gasp and try to wake myself up a little more at the sight of him - naked. Completely nude. "Jack, you aren't wearing clothes!"

"That's how I take my baths, Lexi." He acts like all of this makes sense but it doesn't.

"Y...yes but you usually don't take baths with me either." He scoops me up in his arms and as soon as our naked flesh touches my breathing gets deeper and my heart starts to pound harder. I hang on out of instinct more than anything, keeping my arm around him as he steps us both into the steamy water.

"You're tired and shouldn't have to take care of yourself right now. Just let me do this Lexi."

"Because you owe Libby?" I can't keep the snide tone out of my voice. I'm more than a little upset that he's doing all of this because he feels like it is a fucking favor.

He sinks down in the warmth with me on his lap. His dick is right under my thigh. Oh holy Christmas, I am touching it. With me. He takes my chin in between his thumb and finger, "Because I want to. Now turn around."

I let him gently spin me so that I am back to chest with him which puts his very hard cock right up against the bottom of my back. All I would have to do is slide up a little bit and it would be touching my ass, the part of my ass I never thought I wanted anything as big as Jack touching.

He repositions me so that I'm sitting up a little higher. His words come out right by my ear making me jump a little bit. "Darling, you're going to have to relax or this isn't going to be a very good bath. Lie back. Come on. Put your head on my chest."

Until he says something about it I didn't realize how tense I was. I gradually ease back until the back of my head is resting on the hard surface of his chest. His fingers start rubbing my scalp and I unintentionally let out a moan at how good it feels. I don't have to pretend to lie back for very much longer because I start to sink into him and relax the longer his long nimble fingers keep rubbing. He makes sure to not touch anywhere near my cut.

His hands finally stop their magic and fall to my shoulders to start to rub there. "Oh God." I want to purr for him. He stops and tilts my head to the side. Before I can ask him what he's doing he is running his fingers down the bruise line on my chest. I jolt a little but don't tense back up. I can't find the strength. Lying in his arms feels too good.

"Does it hurt, baby?"

I shake my head.

"Is your head still hurting?"

"Not really. The water feels good." I wait for just a few seconds before I say the rest of what I want to say. "So does the massage."

"Good, Sweets. That's real good."

I finally realize that I'm sitting naked in front of him and he can see my boobs floating above the line of the water. I move my hands up to cover my breasts. He reaches up to grasp my wrists in his large hands.

"Don't be shy?" He pulls my arms away and starts rubbing my scalp again. Like before, I relax. Suddenly it doesn't seem all that important that he can see my bare breasts. It's not like he hasn't seen them before, he did after all take my wet clothes off when I first got here. He also...checked me, down there, so the doctor wouldn't have to do it.

"Thank you." My voice is thin even to my own ears.