Page 6 of Outside the Wire

"I'm seeing someone, Bambi."

Her name is Bambi. I bet she spells it with just an 'I' and makes the dot a heart. This girl has so much sex appeal it practically oozes from her pores. I kind of want to be her when I grow up.

"Already? But you just broke up with Kaleigh six months ago."

Jack reaches over and pulls me in front of him and I'm not sure if it is to show Bambi that we are together or to use me as a human shield again so she doesn't try to come closer. It takes the blonde a full minute before she starts to put it together. Not that we look like we belong together. The only place Jack is touching me is my shoulder. Bambi's eyes widen as she takes us both in. Then she starts laughing.

Seconds, it lasted seconds instead of hours.

"Her? Are you serious, Jack? I mean...she's a kid."

Yeah, I get that a lot. I hold out my hand to introduce myself but Bambi ignores it.

"Jack, surely you don't think someone like this could handle all of your appetites? I mean you are a full-blooded man."

Wonder what I am supposed to procreate with, half a human, a werewolf with sheep's blood running through its veins? An ameba? An accountant? Bambi surely thinks all the 'full-blooded' men are hers.

"She keeps me fed just fine, Bambi. Besides, you know I've always had a taste for candy. Ain't that right, Sweets."

He looks over at me with a 'eat shit' smirk and I’m struggling to keep up with the conversation. I’m sure I am not using my good psychology face - the one that shows no judgment whatsoever.

"Sweets...?" Bambi finally looks at me; I mean really looks at me. "You gave her a nickname?"

Jack cocks his eyebrow and adopts this bored look that I think might be just his normal look. Like Resting Bitch Face only for him it would be Resting Killer Face. "It would have been Candy but her sister's here."

Bambi's mouth falls open, "Oh my God, you're Libby's little sister?"

I give her a nod and a strained smile. "I'm Lex." I hold out my hand to shake hers and again I'm ignored.

"This can't be right. Libby would cut your balls off if she knew you were with her sister." Oh shit, I didn't realize Libby talked about me so much to other people. Yeah, this isn't going to work at all. "Besides isn't she supposed to be like innocent or something? There's no way a man like you would have anything to do with a kid like that."

I stiffen up but Jack pulls me back until my back touches his front. His arms come up to surround me and I automatically put my hands on his forearms which are bigger than my hand. "Well, she was. Until I got a hold of her."

Bambi's mouth falls open.

"And as for Libby, she doesn't need to know what goes on with me and Lexi behind closed doors. All she needs to understand is that I will protect what's mine." I lift my head to look up at him and he runs his thumb across my bottom lip. "I'll just have to gag this hot little mouth of yours until I can take you home so you can scream my name, huh, Sweets."

Something flashes in his eyes, something hot and dangerous. Whatever it is has the same something rising up in me to answer. "And you'll let me, won't you, because you're such a good little girl."

I nod. I don't know what exactly I'm agreeing to but it feels wrong to shake my head no. His fingers trail from my lip down to my neck where he curls them around my throat. "Such a good little girl for Daddy."

And I find out something new about myself that I did not know until Jack. Apparently, I have a Daddy kink that Jack plays right into. He's spinning me around before I can get my bearings and pushing me into the open bedroom. He doesn't even say bye to the woman standing in the hall looking at both of us with her mouth hanging open. Thank God because I'm pretty sure I would not know how to react after what was just said out there without giving us away. How am I supposed to keep this ruse up for three whole months when I have no idea what it is I am really doing?




This was not how I wanted this to go and I damn sure don't want to have my own voice echoing in my brain over and over on the word Daddy. What the fuck was I thinking? Why the fuck did I do that in front of someone like Bambi who delights in kinky details and fuck-ups like I just made out in the hall?

I reach behind me to rub at one of the scars on my upper shoulder but just end up pulling the one on my arm. I also watch the kid go around the room looking for things and exploring the room like a cat would to new surroundings.

"All of this is mine?" The bed sits in the middle of the room to one side of the wall, a wall-mounted television hangs on the opposite side, and off to one side is a window with a seat broad enough to curl up in and go to sleep - if your Lexi's size. I can see her doing that in a place like this. On the other side of the wall is the open bathroom. It has a glass-enclosed shower and a tub that she and her sister could swim in if they wanted to. It leads off to a closet hidden behind a door. And to the side is a door that connects my room to hers through the bathroom we share. No one will be able to tell I don't sleep in here with her so there shouldn't be a problem with people fucking with her but if someone does I am close enough to shut that shit the fuck down.

She notices the doors and I figure now is the perfect time to tell her how things are going to be. "This door," I walk over to the door leading into my room, "doesn't get locked unless you are naked or about to be that way. Understand?"

She gives me a little head nod before looking around the room. The situation gets more and more strained the longer I let the silence stretch out. I want her to grasp how serious this one rule is though.