Page 31 of Outside the Wire

He leans forward to kiss my back and his cock pushes further in until he breaks through. I cry out and suck my breath in; holding it so I don't let him know how much he is splitting me apart. His teeth close around the tip of my lobe before his warm breath fans my ear.

"It's alright, baby. You can scream if you have to as long as it's my name you're screaming." He pushes all the way in taking my breath with him. My fingers curl up around the opposite edge of the table and my feet leave the floor.

His hand reaches around me to find my clit so he can play with it while he rocks in and out of me. He's hitting a spot, the same spot he hits with his fingers when he uses them on me. I try to yell for him but it only comes out as a whisper over and over again as I come closer and closer to my climax.

I can feel it coming, this ever-increasing tide of release that is swelling up inside of me at each slight motion he takes. I reach back and sink my nails into his flank as he bites down on my shoulder. Not hard enough to hurt me but enough that I can tell he is staking his claim on me.

"Oh my God, Jack!" I finally push a phrase out louder than a whisper before my body splinters around the large cock penetrating me. I lose focus so intensely that I must blackout for a second as every muscle below my waist tenses up and milks Jack's cock. He yells out so loud it must shake the walls as warmth floods me filling me up to overflowing.

When I come back to awareness I can feel him not just coating my insides but also running down my quivering thighs. Jack pulls me back so he can hold me in his arms without my feet touching the ground. He must carry me to the bedroom finally because the next thing I remember he is lying me in a soft bed that is freaking huge. He brushes the hair back away from my face as he snuggles me close.

He looks down at me with a smile on his face. He pulls my knees apart so he can look down at the messiness between my thighs. I try to close my legs, shy now even after all the things we've done together.

"Don't hide from me. Never hide from me, Sweets. I want to see every part of you." He runs his finger through my swollen folds, "Especially the parts that I so enjoy."

He holds his hand up showing me his shiny fingers covered in a mixture of me and him. A tinge of pink is on his fingers as well that causes my cheeks to turn hot and red. I watch enthralled as he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks them clean.

"There will never be a part of you that turns me off or repels me."

A shiver works down my body as I think about what he's licking off his fingers.

"You know what this means, don't you Sweets?"

I nod but then hesitate. "I think so."

His hand goes to my stomach and lies across it. "It means you're mine now - forever. We could have made a baby already, Lexi." His eyes finally leave mine so he can look at my stomach like he can see the baby growing inside even now." It means I'm going to take care of you, that you'll never have to want for anything. I'll give you everything you could ever ask for."

I place my hand on his cheek so he'll look at me again. "I don't need everything. I just need you."

"You have me. Every part of me." He rolls part of the way over and opens a drawer to rummage through it. "I was setting this up all day yesterday."

I try to follow what he's talking about. He rolls back over and is holding a small box in his hand. My eyes can't help but be drawn to it. He opens it with one hand and inside is a pretty white ring with a huge diamond in the middle and tiny diamonds twisted around it until it melds into one band again. It's beautiful.

"I wanted to surprise you after we looked at the house. I have flowers set up in the dining room. I was going to cook for you and everything."

He takes the ring out and puts it on my ring finger. "I'm not asking because I don't think I could stand it if you said no."

"Yes." I interrupt him. I want him to understand I want this as much as he does. He leans down and kisses me.

A nagging thought pops into my head but it is overtaken by his kiss. He takes my breath and my body gets ready for him again. He rolls us so that I am on top of him. My thighs are spread around him and I can feel him nudge me. "I should let you rest but I swear I can't get enough of your tight pussy."

I have to help him put himself inside of me because of the swelling and his want to not hurt me. When I reach for him and direct him in he moans at my touch. I moan too when I start to slide down his long, hard dick. Even though there is a twinge of pain it still feels too good to stop. Both of us love the sensation of being with one another. I raise and lower myself on him sitting the pace.

His hand drops down to rub my clit as I grow close to orgasm again. I see the glint of light bouncing off my ring as I brace myself against Jack's chest. It's surreal that I'm engaged but the weight of it on my hand and the love I see shining back at me in Jack's eyes tell me this is very real.

"I can't wait to make love to you on every surface of this fucking house, Sweetheart. I'm going to make sure you have good memories all over this place."

I grunt out my reply because words are too hard to pant out right now. He pulls me forward and wraps his arms around me as he thrusts his hips up faster and faster hitting that magic spot over and over again. I can't take the stimulation and immediately fall into an orgasm that shakes my whole body. All I can do is hold on tight to Jack and ride out the pleasure.

His hips are still pistoning into me trying to find his own release and sending me into my second orgasm. I have to bite down on Jack's shoulder to keep from screaming in his ear. The small touch of pain sends him to his own climax and heat floods me. We lie clutching each other as our breathing settles back down. It takes a second before I realize one of our phones is ringing.

Jack rolls us and goes for his jeans. I hear an echo of the ring coming from the kitchen. That's where I left mine when Jack was pulling my clothes off. I sit up and wince. Jack's eyes narrow on me. "Don't move."

I can hear Jim on the other end, "If you're going to order me around like that you have to buy me dinner first."

I cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. I can't tell if Jim knows I'm still with Jack but I suspect that he does. He seems to know everything.

"Not you Lexi." Guess he knows now. He looks back up at me with a serious glare in his deep blue eyes. "Don't even think about it."