Page 29 of Outside the Wire

"And the Libby thing," he breathes out a light laugh, "makes sense now. You think I'm doing all of this because of some misguided attempt to even us up so I won't owe her anymore."

My eyes slide back to his. His lips are tilted up on one side in a sexy smirk.

"Lexi, technically I already paid Libby back. I can't tell you how, that's Libby's secret to tell." My eyes widen at the thought of my sister having a secret from me. I thought we told each other everything. "I touched your body, gave you pleasure, and made you cum because I'm a selfish asshole who can't control himself around you. I never could."

He has my full attention now.

"I had to call off training early not because of Bambi but because being in a pool with you turns me on so bad all I could think about was taking off your bathing suit and fucking you underwater until neither one of us could breathe. I made you cum, when you weren't feeling good and need to rest because I couldn't stop myself from touching you, from wanting you."

He leans closer and whispers in my ear, "And Lexi, I came too."

His words have me stunned. This man just admitted that he...came from touching me. I made him do that.

"Now, I've been a dick enough for one day. I can tell you're tired. Lie back and let me clean you, wash your hair for you, take care of you."

I gradually loosen back up enough to lean back and as soon as he starts shampooing my hair I am once again back in the relaxed state I was in before he started exploring my body. I must have drifted off because the next thing I know Jack is laying me on the soft mattress and pulling covers up over me. I should thank him again but I'm too tired. And Jack has relaxed me too much for me to worry about the stuff I have to take care of later. For right now I just want to sink into blissful sleep and let my brain rest.


I moan before I open my eyes. Everything on me hurts and I think I might have gotten run over by a bus last night and no one told me. I wince as I pry my eyes open and try to fight the pain that seems to be everywhere. I slowly become aware of a big body right next to me. It takes me a moment but things from yesterday start filtering back in.

I jerk, which makes me moan more because I'm just realizing I don't have anything on and the man lying behind me is Jack. Jack, who gave me a bath last night while both of us were naked. He made me cum; again. One of his arms is under my head and the other one is thrown over me cupping my...he's got his hand between my legs!

I start wiggling trying to put some space between us but all that does is cause my head and shoulder to ache. I wince and bright blue eyes flash open. "Are you in pain, Sweets?"

"No." I'm in shock that I woke up naked in this man's arms, "a little bit, maybe." Yeah, there is definitely some soreness. Jack rolls out of bed and I realize he isn't wearing anything either. He is fucking huge! I saw him yesterday a little bit - I looked, I couldn't help it - but he seems twice as big this morning. His cock is pointing straight up and looks a little mad and red.

I sit up in bed and bring the sheet up high on my chest. He comes closer and brushes his knuckles over my cheek. His cock is close, just under my chin practically. "Don't worry, Sweets. It might look big but it'll fit."

My eyes widen. He holds a water bottle up for me to see. I pull back slightly. He's holding out his other hand, the one that was rubbing my cheek. When I offer my palm he gives me two painkillers that I didn't even realize he had went to get in my stupor. As soon as I take them he takes the water bottle back out of my hand.

"I should leave you alone but...,"

But what? What is he going to do? He walks to the bottom of the bed and reaches up under the sheet. His hand wraps around my ankle and before I realize what's going on he has me pulled down to the bottom where he’s at. The sheet is gone and I am lying on my back as he stares down at me. I squeal and reach out to grab some of the bottom sheet trying to stop myself from being pulled down. When I realize that I'm not going to be able to stop myself I use my hands to cover myself, one arm wrapped around my breasts and one going to my mound.

He's on his knees and spreading my legs. "Jack, what are you doing?"

"Making you feel good, Sweets." His head tilts down and his lips brush against my thighs, kissing each side.

He takes the hand I have cupping myself and moves it. He just looks at me, his eyes heating the longer he stares down at me. His shoulders wedge in between my legs so I can't close them. He starts kissing farther and farther up until his lips are right at my own. I'm wet, so wet, and he has to see that. He has to be able to tell what he's doing to me.

He takes a deep breath causing my cheeks to turn pink. "God damn, you smell just like candy. I bet you taste like it too."

Oh my God, he's smelling me! I whimper at the thought. It doesn't stop him from sinking further down so that his face is nearly buried in me. I yelp out at the first swipe of his tongue. He moans and I swear it echoes through me.

"Hmm, good God Sweets, this pussy...I could eat it all day." He returns to licking me. My hips fly off the bed and much to my surprise and embarrassment I rock back and forth on his mouth like I'm trying to ride his face. I try to stop myself but with each pass of his tongue over my clit my resistance fades.

His tongue feels like velvet being brushed across me. The sensation of having him in between my thighs is new and all-encompassing. The way his hair tickles the sides of my spread legs, his breath teasing me before the swipe of his tongue hits so many nerves as he broadens it to taste all of me combine to push me higher and closer to a climax.

"Jack," I don't even sound like myself. My voice is so breathy and sultry that it shocks me.

"Yes, Lover?" he mumbles not stopping his oral explorations. When his tongue dips lower to glide over my virgin asshole I scream out not being able to stop from vocalizing the feelings welling up inside of me anymore.

"Oh my...Jack, I'm...I'm going to cum." It's a far gone conclusion so I don't know why I'm telling him when he can already tell as much.

"Fuck yes! Give it to me, Sweetheart. Let me drink it down." One of his big hands comes up to squeeze my breast softly catching my nipple between his fingers. His other hand holds my thigh wide so I can't close my legs or try to push him from me.

I had no idea oral could be like this. My thighs are shaking around his head and I feel like I'm going to break in two if he doesn't help me reach that pentacle he's pushing me towards. Before I can reach it he's rolling us and helping me sit up straight. His face under me now as I look down into his eyes between my legs. Both arms come up to steady me.