Page 28 of Outside the Wire

"Oh God."

I run my hands down her arms and back up to her shoulders.

"There was a senator that was tied to the sex trafficking ring that we took down last year."

"Oh shit, I remember that! That was you all? You...but I thought he committed suicide at his farmhouse."

"Yeah, because that made a better story than the fact that a military special forces unit went in and killed a United States senator. Anyway, to make a long story short, we found a list of names of our own and I was...tracking these men down." My memory takes me back to the seconds right before all hell broke loose. "I was at an abandoned warehouse in Senegal. I swear they knew I was coming. They had been tipped off that I was the one coming because as soon as I hit the building they were trying to take me apart."

She tenses up. Her nails sink into the sides of my thighs.

"I took out so many I lost count but there were so many there. It had to be forty, fifty guys. And all of them wanted to take my fucking head off. I hadn't planned on a full-on assault so I ran out of ammunition real quick. I was already shot when I ran out and had to resort to other means."

"Other means?"

"Don't ask. Let's just say not a lot of them made it out and I know how to build a bomb in a tight spot. Still, the mother fuckers got me six times before I could make it to the water. I had already alerted the guys so they were on their way but I had to stay in one piece until they got to me and no matter how many I blew up I couldn't take all of them. Somehow I managed to stay hidden until Remy and Ace came for me. I even held on for most of the helicopter ride."

I run my hands up her arms and cup her breasts again. Damn she's soft. My touch starts to turn more intimate as I circle her areolas, turning her nipples into hard little bullets of their own. Remembering makes me want to replace the bad with something good.

"J...Jack, you have to stop." She bites down on her bottom lip to keep from squirming. It doesn't stop her from trying to follow my touch and whimpering about it. "Please, please."

Her mind might be fighting this but her body is all on board for me to give her pleasure. "Why do I have to stop? You like it, I can tell and it takes your mind away from the pain and fear of today."

"Jack, you can't play with me like this and...," She gasps loudly when my hand slips down to cup her pussy. The last thing I am doing is playing. "Oh my God, Jack! You...oh, you can't..."

My fingers spread her apart and play along the edge of the pack of nerves that make up her clit. Her hands slam over my wrists trying to maintain some sort of...distance but I'm not having it.

"Baby, let me do this." All the strength drains out of her and even though she doesn't move her hands off of my wrists she's no longer struggling against me. I lean closer to her to whisper in her ear enjoying the way the little hairs at her temple tickle my cheek. "Hmm, Sweets, this pussy feels like velvet. So soft and puffy. It makes me want to lick on it and nibble until you cum in my mouth. Are you going to let me wipe up all of the cream you're going to give me?"

"Oh my God, I don't know. I don't...Jack!" Her words end on a high yelp as her hips fly up to meet my fingers. I wrap my arm around her so I can play with her more. My thumb rubs her clit as my finger starts circling her entrance. "You got to be still, Sweets so I don't take this cherry before it's time. I have a whole plan for you." The last thing I will do is break her hymen with my fucking fingers. No, I want my dick to do that.

My finger sinks into her. I'm not rushing this; I want to take my time. God damn her little pussy is so tight and tiny that I might not be able to fit my cock all the way in her but I'm going to try my hardest. I don't think I have ever wanted something more than for my cock to bump the bottom of her cunt, getting it right at the mouth of her cervix. My dick is leaking just thinking about it.

Her pussy practically sucks the tip of my finger inside of her. I nuzzle into her neck and drag in her scent. I keep working her clit with the palm of my hand until she tenses up. Her nails sink into the skin of my thigh again and pain has never felt so sweet. I would get shot any number of times if I was sure it would bring her to me.

When she splinters apart in my arms and her cunt kisses my finger I can't fight my own release. Her body sags against mine and I reach for the soap to start washing her off, mainly so she doesn't find out I just sprayed cum up her back like a fucking teenager.




The sensation of having something inside of me, of knowing Jack is the one inside of me, sends me over the edge and my muscles spasm around him. I bear down hard and lose all sense of where I am or what is going on around me.

I come back from my mind-numbing orgasm to find that Jack is running a soap-covered sponge over my chest and shoulders. He runs the puff over my body causing a delicious chill to work down my body. Then my mind starts going over all the things that happened and guessing why they happened. His next words don't help.

"Any pain?"

I shake my head and turn so he hopefully can't see me. Big tears are pooling up, wanting to come out.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" he takes my chin and turns my head so I can't hide from this. "You said no pain, are you hurting now?"

"No," I look up at him because I don't have a choice but to look him in the eyes. Now he's going to be able to tell how stupid I am. "You did all that to check to see if I was hurt?"

His forehead crinkles and he looks like he doesn't understand the words that are coming out of my mouth. Then understanding flashes in his eyes. "You thought I was making you cum because I was still checking on you...there?"

I look away even if I can't turn my head. I don't care if he sees the tears that are leaking out of my eyes or that my nose might be runny or that my face is bruised on that side.