Page 19 of Outside the Wire

"Yeah. I was mad. Upset with...something."

"So you decided to take it out on me?" Great, that makes everything so much better.

"No. I was pissed at you." He starts pacing back and forth in front of me. "I overheard you talking to someone on the phone yesterday."

I gasp. Oh shit. The only person I talked to on the phone yesterday was Stu. I called because I thought maybe I could really have a boyfriend and then I wouldn't have to have Jack. I could tell Libby that I had a reason to go back. I could make myself feel something for someone else and it wouldn't make what happened in the pool mean anything. It would prove to me that I could cum with someone other than Jack and that he doesn't hold the only answer to why my body reacts to him like I do. What I was told was that I was too late and Stu and Tiffany, another friend of mine, had started dating. Stu also asked me to move in with them.

"Jack, please, please don't tell Libby I was thinking about leaving. Please Jack. I was just...I needed a break from...," I start to gnaw on my lip.

"Me." Oh God, he knows and if he doesn't he's close to figuring out. "Jim said you were upset because it was the first time you came with anyone."

The air in the room heats around us. I close my eyes again to keep from groaning about the fact that Jim knows so much about my sex life. I am forever going to walk around with a blush on my face and the inability to meet anyone in the eyes.

"Is that it, Lexi? Were you upset because I was the first person to make you cum?"

"Among other things," I whisper. He waits for me to go on, "I thought you...and Bambi were, um, a thing and I couldn't understand why you would do that in front of her. With me."

"Eww." He says that every time I imply that he and Bambi are together like the very thought makes him slightly sick.

"I realize that. Now."

"You know that there is no going to move in with this guy, right? Lexi?" I don't answer him. "Lexi, you're not going to go live with some other man."

"It wouldn't be with just some strange man. It would be with him and Tiffany." Why am I justifying wanting this to him of all people? Why do I feel like I have to?

"I'll kill him. They won't find enough of him to make an identification."

My mouth trembles open again. I don't think he's joking. I don't think he's just saying something to get me to do what he wants me to do. He would really kill Stu.

He comes closer and reaches out to trail one of his fingers down my cheek. "So soft. I bet you’re soft like that everywhere aren't you, Sweets?"

"I...I don't know." My words tremble out, honest and vulnerable up against him and his blunt questions.

"We'll find out together, sweetheart, but I can already tell you," he rubs his thumb back and forth along my lower lip, "you're going to be so soft, like rose petals."

He isn't talking about my lips or the rest of me. I understand what he is asking which is why I told him I didn't know if I was soft there or not. He steps back from me, "Go find more clothes to put on, but wear this." He pulls out one of his own shirts and passes it to me. "I'll give you some time to think about all of this. I'm sending Evie up to be with you. I have some things to take care of and don't want you to spend too much time in your room if you can help it. Just in case he's an idiot and doesn't realize I'll kill him. I'll be here to get you to take you down for dinner."

I nod.

"Go, find clothes now so you can take them with you and change there."

I unfold myself and do as he says. By the time I find something to wear he's text Evie and she's coming in the room as he goes out. He looks back at me as he leaves.

"So...we have quite a few things to talk about, huh?" She grins and shuts the door behind her and I spend the next couple of hours repeating what happened without telling her everything, first to Evie and then to Ana. "You know what you need? To get out of here and take a break from all the testosterone running rampant. Let's go shopping tomorrow."

It would be nice to get away from Jack for a little bit, further away than him being in the same house. I smile as we plot how to sneak away from the guys so we can have some girl time.

True to his word, Jack comes back for me just before we all go down to eat. "Miss me?" I don't answer him because I don't know how to reply to his question. I'm still floundering over what happened in the bathroom. He wraps his hand around mine and we go downstairs. He makes sure we sit close and flirts the entire meal. Jack flirts with me.

And not just normal flirting. Men like Jack don't just flirt they take it to another level. His hand never leaves some part of my body the entire night. He's either clasping my hand or grabbing my thigh which nearly made me choke to death the first time he slid it up to rest on my upper thigh.

I notice Don and Bambi not taking their eyes off of us the entire meal. Evie and Ana are just as curious about what is going on. It's like being in front of a microscope and it is really starting to wear on me. The one good thing is Jim and Libby aren't at the table and I wonder if he's got her tied to the bed somewhere to keep her from killing Jack, especially after he tells her what happened in Syria. The whole thing has my nerves wound tight and I can't help but fidget and be jumpy.

By the time everyone is ready for dessert, I can't take anymore. Before I can stand and make my goodbyes Jack is wrapping his hand around the back of my head to pull me closer to him.

"I want some." Oh my God, what is he talking about? His eyes dip down taking in my parted lips, "Put your cream in my mouth."

What the fuck? His lips tilt up and he leans closer so he can whisper in my ear. "I meant some of your dessert but don't worry Sweets, you'll be feeding me your cream soon enough. Straight from the source."