Page 17 of Outside the Wire

Fuck, I cum - a lot. I don't know how I keep from calling out as I fill the palm of my hand to overflowing. Noise out in the hall tells me I don't have a lot of time left. I slide my cock back in my pants but don't zip up and go for the bathroom door.

She sits up automatically and covers herself. So much beautiful, unmarked skin is bare for me to run my eyes over. "Jack what...what are you...?"

I don't give her time to finish her question I shut the door and make my way over to her. "Open!"

Just like always Lexi, being the good girl she is, does exactly as I say. I tilt her head farther up and bring my palm up to her lips letting what it’s holding run down into her mouth. Her eyes widen and I am pretty sure she can guess what it is by the shocked look in her eyes. "Swallow!"

The door to the bathroom bounces open as her throat works to do as I say again. "Good girl."

There was so much of it she couldn't hold it all. It leaks out the side of her mouth and leaves her lips glistening for the audience we seem to have attracted. She whimpers and shrinks into herself further. Even though my focus was on Lexi I am aware of who came in and when. Jim and Libby got here just in time to hear me tell her to swallow and Don came in just as I was telling her what a good girl she is for doing exactly what I asked of her. I rearrange myself and zip back up not giving a shit that everyone can see what I am doing.

I use my thumb to wipe off her bottom lip but mostly just because I want to touch her now that she belongs to me. This - all of what this is - changes everything. She doesn't look at the people standing around watching us and instead looks up at me. When she whimpers again I've reached my limit of public displays of ownership.

"Get out!" It comes out as a bellow and makes her jump.

I reach behind me and yank my t-shirt over my head. The only person still standing in the doorway is Jim. "I said get the fuck out."

I get an eyebrow arch for that. "My office...NOW!" he turns around leaving the two of us alone.

"Arms up, sweetheart." She hesitates knowing that if she moves her arms I'll be able to see her tits. I push the shirt down over her head and wait for her to follow my instructions. I lift her under the arms and set her in my lap as she struggles to get her arms into the holes. I end up having to help her and getting that view of her tits after all. I also have her hot little pussy sitting on my leg but I'll bring that out later to use. Right now I want to make sure she's alright and she doesn't look alright.

I reach over and grab a towel and wrap it around her head. The shirt reaches her knees but it's damp now and clings to her nipples and thighs. I pick her up and carry her into her bedroom but instead of sitting her down I grab a throw off her bed and start for Jim's office. If I keep the son of a bitch waiting it's just going to make this whole thing worse. Lexi hides her head in the crook of my neck and my dick gets hard again at the faint puff of air caressing over my skin every time she breaths.

I enter Jim's office with a stiff dick and an armful of warm, wet woman. The last place I want to be is here. Jim is just taking his glasses off and setting them aside and Libby is standing beside him yelling. I sit Lexi in a seat of her own just in case Jim feels the need to kick my ass. I'm still not sure if I would let him or make him work for it. I spend just a few seconds making sure the blanket is wrapped around her enough to keep her warm and hidden.

Jim turns to me, "What the fuck where you thinking? Tell me that wasn't what it looked like." Libby crosses her arms at his words and looks like she might have my balls for a purse.

"I had to make a fast decision on what the best plan of action would be. I decided and went with it."

Jim sits quietly for a few seconds and I think for the first time in his life he's actually stunned. Speechless.

"I pulled a Syria."

Jim's eyes round until they're almost the size of golf balls and his mouth hangs open. ","

"I was the camel." I think for a few seconds recalling the incident in question before adding, "and the man."

"Oh my God!" Jim sits forward like he can't believe what he is hearing and Libby starts picking up on how out of character Jim is acting.

"What‘s ‘a Syria’? Jim. What happened in Syria?"

Jim rubs his hand over the lower half of his face trying to buy himself some time before he has to tell her what I did to her sister but Libby isn't letting up.

"Jim, you tell me what happened in Syria right now."

Lexi who has been quiet this entire time lets out another whimper and pulls her knees up to her chest so she can hide her face. She pulls the edge of the blanket up over her head. I go to her chair and bend down so I'm not so far away from her.

"You okay, sweetheart?"

She shakes her head but won't look up at me.

"Sweets, I need you to talk to me. Are you alright?" She turns her head so our eyes can meet. "What's going on?"

"Jim knows what happened, doesn't he?" her voice comes out small and whispered.

"Yes, but that's alright. He isn't about to judge anyone." At least he better not try.

"It doesn't matter Jack. How am I supposed to look the man in the eyes knowing he understands what happened...better than I understand."