Page 15 of Outside the Wire

Tears come to my eyes as she wraps her arms around me and leads me up the stairs to her room so we can talk.




I thought working Lexi out of my system would help me get over this growing need for her but it didn't work. If anything it just made it worse. Feeling her come apart in my arms, knowing I was giving her that release, made me feel fucking high. And just like a drug I want another hit.

But I'm up here waiting for Jim to come in his office so we can have a meeting instead of hunting. I've got a real problem with this girl and I'm not sure what to do about it. Jim finally comes in and sits. He doesn't go behind his desk and instead sits in a chair beside me.

"We've known each other a long time, Jack. You're the best man I know. So would you like to tell me why I've been hearing things that disturb me concerning Lexi?"

Fucking hell. She ran to her sister and now I'm going to have to take an ass chewing. I don't say anything. There is nothing to say. I need to find out how much he knows before I say a word.

"Lexi was really upset when she came upstairs this afternoon. Did you do something you shouldn't have, Jack?"

"Why don't you cut the shit and say what you really want to say, Jim?"

Jim takes a deep breath. "Jack, you know you can't get too close. You can't forget that this is just a mission. If you do the only person that is going to end up hurt is Lexi. You can't use someone like Lexi and it not mean anything, Jack. The whole purpose for doing this is to keep her safe and innocent."

Fuck, he knows everything. There are a couple of ways I can play this. It just depends on how I want to do it. Jim is hardly one to talk about keeping his hands off innocent girls but I don't think we're there yet. "Are we done?"

"Yep. As long as you understand what side of this I'm going to come down on if the shit hits the fan."

Wonderful. Just fucking wonderful. I stand to lose not just my new friendship with Libby if I mess with her sister but one of my oldest friends as well. I slam the door as I walk out of the room. Pissed doesn't begin to cover how mad I am right now. All I can think about is finding a certain strawberry blonde and giving her a piece of my mind. And I know just where to find her.

Sure enough, she is in the kitchen with Evie baking another batch of cookies. "Evie, can you give me a minute with Lexi alone."

She shoots me a go-to-hell look too. Everyone in the whole damn house hates my guts and why, because the little princess got off in the pool and it spooked her enough to run to her sister. God damn virgins.

Evie leaves but takes her sweet time doing it. Lexi still won't look at me. I'm so pissed I don't even know where to start. Normally when I'm this pissed I just kill the thing pissing me off but with Lexi that isn't even an option to fanaticize about.

"You gonna tell me why you decided it would be okay to run off and tell your fucking sister about what happened in the pool today or you still going to ignore me?"

"What? I...I didn't tell Libby." She looks just as shocked as I was when Jim started talking. "My sister knows?"

"Well, someone sure as fuck does because I just got my ass handed to me by Jim over what we did in the pool today."

Her mouth falls open and I see all the color drain out of her face. "Jim knows? How much does he know? Does he...?" I see her throat work to swallow.

"Yeah, he does. So would you like to tell me how the hell that is if you didn't say anything?" I don't give her time to actually answer me. "You telling your sister and every god damn body else isn't going to work for me. What happens between us needs to stay between just us."

"Everyone?" She squeaks out the word. "No, no, no. I just told Evie."

"Evie! You told Evie what happened?" I wheel away and start pacing back and forth. "Wonderful! You thought telling the biggest mouth in the house about how I gave you an orgasm in the pool was a smart idea?" she flinches and I wonder if it's because I said something bad about Evie or if it's because I reminded her how I made her cum.

"Evie's sweet and she asked me what was wrong when I came up. I told her because she's my friend and that's what friends do!"

"So what was wrong, Lexi? Were you mad because I made you cum or mad because I didn't finish by sticking my cock up that tight virgin pussy?" I'm being such a dick. This is not what Jim had in mind when he told me to back the fuck down. I just don't seem to have any cool where Lexi is concerned. She looks like I just slapped her and I start to regret pushing her.

"I was mad because you made front of Bambi and it was my first time." She's all but vibrating with emotion. I can't tell if it's anger or anxiety.

"What the hell does Bambi have to do with anything?"

"You and her are together." She whispers at me like she's sharing a secret. Her words make me want to take a shower.

"We're not together. That's...eww. Why the fuck would you think I'm with her?"