Page 14 of Outside the Wire

Until the next morning, when I get a text telling me to come train with him. If I want this thing fixed I'm probably going to have to do it with Jack and not try to go to Jim. I slide on shorts and throw on a t-shirt. I purposefully don't put a swimsuit on. I have no intention of staying long enough to train with him. I'll ask him if there is another one of the guys who can help me and see if he will help me come up with a story for why I'm not training with him anymore.

Maybe he can even think of a way to duck out of it completely so I don't have to feel so icky about being with someone else's man. As soon as I'm downstairs I realize how hard this conversation is going to be with him. He made a commitment, a promise, to my sister. He isn't just going to shove off that responsibility and say fuck it. Even if that is exactly what he wants to do.

"What's going on? Why aren't you ready?"

"I thought we could talk first." He doesn't say anything so I go on. "I've been thinking and I think we should find someone else to train me."

He rubs at the back of his neck before looking up at the ceiling like he might be praying for patience. "I think you should get your ass in the pool and stop wasting time."

"Jack, I don't..." before I can tell him I don't want to keep him from his happiness he is growling.

"Get in the damn pool, Lexi."

"I can't. I don't have a bathing suit on."

"Is that my problem? We don't have time for you to go change so I guess you're swimming in your underwear today. Now get in."

"What?" My mind does a little stutter-stop before it focuses on what he is saying.

"Take the shorts off and get in the damned pool."

I slowly push my shorts down and leaving my shirt on I sink into the pool. I realize my mistake immediately. Everything turns transparent as soon as the water hits it and the shirt really doesn't offer me any protection considering it is white.

He lines me up and actually uses my shirt to twist out of the way and fling me into the water. He seems more aggressive today like maybe he's especially frustrated. We go through this for the next fifteen minutes until I finally come up sputtering and coughing. I'm done. I can't talk to him about anything and he seems extra rough today.

"Take the shirt off, Lexi, and it won't be in your way." He's continuously used it to pull me down.

"No." It might not offer very much protection but it gives me some and I am not giving that up. He grabs me once more and twists me until I am coming up without the shirt. It's hanging from his finger like a prize he's won.

I move to the side of the pool ready to be done with this when a shadow stops me from actually lifting myself out. I look up and see a smiling Don. He squats down in front of where I was going to pull myself out and I sink lower into the water not wanting him to see me in my wet underwear. I'm backing up when I hit a wall of muscle.

"Jeez Jack, this your new mating ritual? You have to half drown them before you can make them stay with you."

Movement out of the corner of my eye makes me focus my attention on Bambi who is in another revealing outfit. Jack's hands are on my waist holding me exactly where I'm at and not letting me move any further back. I look down not wanting to meet her eyes. It must be hard for her to have to watch me and Jack pretend to be together. That sick feeling comes rushing back to me.

"Damn man, she looks like she lost her puppy. Jack, you just can't keep them happy, can you? Ever think you might be doing something wrong?" I want to tell him Jack makes me happy just fine but I don't want Bambi to think any of it is true.

"I mean if you can't even keep a virgin happy...damn!" He gives a cruel laugh that has Jack's grip on me tightening. "Or maybe that's the problem. Maybe all of this is nothing more than a lie - a ruse put on by your sister to try to save your cherry from someone like me. Maybe you and Jack aren't really a thing at all and you never were. Is that it, Lexi?"

Jack's hands move. One traveling down and one going up. He cups me between the legs and causes me to jump nearly out of his arms. He swims closer to the wall of the pool until there is no room left for me to move away from him. His other hand comes up to cup my breast that is only covered in a thin layer of lace and silk.

I find my feet and try to pull away but he just holds me tighter. His arm banded across me hiding my other breast from Don's view as his hand works to massage the other one. His fingers play over the damp gusset of my panties until I'm out of breath. He never goes under the panties but as wet as they are he doesn't have to. The material clings to the formation of my sex's lips.

I don't understand why Jack is doing this when Bambi is right there. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking about anything but Jack's fingers working over my flesh. He has a rhythm - squeeze, release, squeeze, release - that has me fighting to breathe and biting my lip to keep from crying out. He presses in again and my body gives, my lips parting on either side of his fingers. He rubs faster now that he's inside. When he hits my clit I cry out.

My nails sink into the skin of his wrist on both hands as he continuously works my bundle of nerves. He releases my breast long enough to pull my head back by yanking on my hair until I meet his eyes then his hand falls back again. His other hand never leaves, it never stops. I become aware of the little moans that I can't fight back any longer. The color of his eyes is dark blue like the sky during a summer storm. They swirl with emotion as they look down at me.

"Such a sweet little pussy, isn't it?" His dirty words send me rushing fast to a place my brain stops working and all I can do is feel. His lips find mine as he squeezes up on my nipple. I scream my release into his mouth, my body shaking and convulsing around his fingers.

He pulls his mouth away as my body sags in his arms. I slowly come back down from the high he sent me on. The first thing I notice is Don and Bambi are no longer in the room with us. I'm still in Jack's arms but reality is quickly catching up to me. I stand up realizing just now that we aren't in that deep of water. Jack drops his arms away from me and lets me go. I don't think I can look back at him. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him again.

I make my way over to the stairs knowing my arms aren't strong enough to pull me out of the water this time. My whole body is still a mess of sensation causing me to shake. Either that or I'm in shock over what just happened. Guilt and embarrassment are heavy in my chest as I grab a towel from the supply closet and move away.

I just had an orgasm. My first. In front of people. I just had my first orgasm in a pool with a man who loves another woman. My stomach revolts at the thought. I stumble into the kitchen and spot Evie sitting on the counter waiting for me. She takes one look at me and comes running over.

"Oh God, what happened?"

How am I going to tell her? How am I going to tell anyone? What am I going to say? Jack gave me an orgasm in front of Don to sell the story that the two of us are together and he did it right in front of front of Bambi.