Page 12 of Outside the Wire

So maybe it's not the fact that Don fucked my ex that tears me up, maybe it's the fact he can tell how weak I was.

"Men like you don't get families and homes, Jack. You get killed."

I want to feed this little pecker-knock his teeth but I can't. Not until he gives us a name. But after, I am going to take great pleasure in dismantling him piece by piece.

"Jack has a family and a home. He doesn't need to dream about what he already has."

Her words cause the room to go quiet. I wonder if she knows what she is implying. Probably not considering how young and innocent she is. Don who was laughing only seconds ago sobers up.

"Oh, this one is actually standing up for you. That's...different, isn't it?" his snide comment makes my hand want to curl around the hilt of a knife so bad.

"In some cultures, people like you would have had to kneel before someone like Jack or you'd fall with a sword in your back." Her words piss Don off even more and I pray this idiot gives me a reason to put him down.

She shakes her head, "You don't have to kneel, Don." I watch as she looks away from him and over to me. "He likes it better when I do all the kneeling anyway."

Don is so pissed he reaches out and knocks over a chair standing beside him, causing both girls to gasp out loud. He leaves the room without saying another word to anyone. Evie is laughing her ass off though and I see a smile tilting the corners of Lexi's mouth. Evie goes over to high-five her.

"You do realize you just put a target on your back, right? I mean he's going to be even worse now that you pissed him off."

All the humor is gone, no one is smiling and Lexi is looking at me like I might kick fucking puppies. I don't want to be the bad guy that takes their fun away but I also need her to understand what she did has consequences that make things even harder for her. I turn to head out of the house. I have to get some air. Being around her is too much and if I stay I'm going to say fuck it to owing Libby and take her across the island with the cookies right beside of us and Evie still in the room.

Before I go out I turn back, "Stay with someone until I come back." I don't wait for her to tell me that she is going to do as I ask. Instead, I head over to the building that houses a good-sized garage and a small apartment over it. I was going to stay here for the entirety of the summer and not have to fool with anyone but that wasn't to be. I let myself in and check the camera feed just to make sure no one was fucking with anything while I was gone.

I like this place better because I can see who is coming and going into the house and it's quiet. I don't have to put up with anyone else's shit like I do when I stay in the house. I don't have to stay here either because I have a house already built but I've not been to it in a couple of months. I was telling myself it was because of Kaliah, not that she was ever in the house. Hell, she didn't even know where it was. I thought I would surprise her with it but never got around to bringing her there.

I think I've not been back because of all the things the house stood for, what it was supposed to represent to me. When I didn't have that I didn't want the reminder in my face daily. Maybe Don is right, maybe men like me don't have families and don't get those kinds of dreams because of all the shit we've had to do to keep other people safe. Maybe I'm too dark to have someone call me theirs or to want to make a family with me. Hell, I didn't have a family before I joined the military so I'm not sure what makes me think I could have one now.

I joined the Navy right out of high school and signed up for SEAL training. I figured there was no one at home waiting for me might as well do all I can to make it safe for people who do have someone to go back home to. I was good at my job too. So good a man came to me one day telling me he was putting together a team of highly trained men from different branches of the military to do covert shit. He didn't so much ask as tell me my next move should be to come with him. I've been following Jim ever since.

I flop on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. I'm a stubborn son of a bitch who likes delayed gratification so I don't just go for my cock. That's where this is going but that doesn't mean I can't push it away longer. Having Lexi up against me in the water pretty much guaranteed that this was going to happen at the end of the day. Hell, it happened already last night and this morning in the shower thinking about her rubbing her foot over the bulge in my pants.

It took everything I was not to take her to my bed last night. Just walk right out the front door and over here, put her in my bed, and watch her sleep. I wonder if she knew she probably swallowed more of me today because of how hard I was leaking having her brush her body up against mine what she would do. Would Lexi be the kind of girl who found it gross to give in to urges like that? Some girls didn't like wrapping their mouth around a long, hard cock or want you to go down on them?

I don't think she would be like that. She has a natural sensuality about her even if she is innocent as fuck. So innocent she couldn't tell I was fucking hard as a rock for her all through training. Thank fuck Bambi came down when she did. My cock went limp as soon as Lexi was out of the room. I pretty much left as soon as she did leaving Bambi standing talking to herself.

I unfasten myself and take my dick out. Fuck, it's been forever since it got hard and now it won't go down. It won't go down if she's in the room; it won't come up any other way. It's like she's cast some sort of spell over me that makes me only long for her. When she was talking about kneeling for me I damn near lost it. There is one sure-fire way to make Don realize we are together and that's fucking her in front of him. Throwing her over the nearest surface and pounding into her is irrefutable proof that she is mine. But then I have to live with the guilt of doing that to Libby and I owe Libby. I owe her a lot.

If I can keep my fucking hands to myself and on myself then maybe I can make it through this summer without ruining what I have with Libby. I need a friend now more than I need a lover. Surely I can keep my hands off her sister long enough to get Don out of the fucking way and then I can go on with my life. Maybe try dating again and see if I can have that family I've always wanted. I can do this because if I can swim through a sea full of sharks, bleeding and shot, this is no problem. Right?


The next morning I have a new resolve not to get too close. She comes bouncing down in a black one-piece with cut-away sides and nearly all of my resolve vanishes like it was never there. She doesn't need to be told to get in today. Instead, she just pulls her shirt over her head and slips in on the side nearest to where I am at.

After fifteen minutes of hell, I realize I can't go the full hour I've set aside to train her. Already I've had to take special care to keep her away from my dick so she doesn't realize I'm hard.

"That's enough for today."

"But we just got started." She looks at me like she couldn't possibly understand why I want her out of the fucking pool.

"Yeah, and I said it was enough for today. Go find Evie or someone else to hang out with." Hurt flashes in her eyes and she turns to swim to the side of the pool when both of us notice Bambi walking down the stairs in six-inch heels and almost nothing on. What she does have on doesn't hide shit. It's white and almost completely sheer when the light hits it. I can see her fucking areolas through it, not that I'm looking. I prefer the quiet beauty that teases over the in your face sexiness. The only time I want someone I'm with to show it in your face is when it is my face.

The difference between the two women just makes me want Lexi all the more which is a big damn problem, about ten inches worth of big problem. Lexi looks back at me like I planned for Bambi to be here.

"Jack, here I am." Bambi's words do nothing to stop that idea from taking full form in her head. She doesn't understand how I despise women like Bambi or that I wouldn't touch someone like her for anything in the world.

Before I can tell Bambi to get the hell out of the gym I spot movement on the stairs again. Don comes down and I have Lexi pulled into me faster than either of us planned for. Her arms wrap around my neck and she clings to me.

"Keep that arm around me and don't let go," I whisper in her ear as I take us out farther into the deeper water. The water helps make us both the same height but Lexi can't touch the bottom the way I can. She hides her head in the bend of my neck.