Page 70 of Was I Ever Here

“Itmeans, Sunny, that’s it’s covered. I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of you,” he promises, his eyes continuing to burn me from the inside out as I let his words settle inside the cracks of my insecurities. I’m fighting against my defense mechanism, swallowing the sarcasm back down.

Instead, I slump back into my seat and say, “Fine.”

He smiles as he lets go of my hand and finds the back of my neck, pulling me towards him as if claiming his prize. His kiss is quick but intense as he quickly pulls away and starts the car, leaving me in a daze, the taste of him melting slowly on my tongue.

“We leave Monday.”

Lenix is lying on my bed, plopped on her stomach, scrolling on her phone, her long legs swinging above her while I riffle through my closet trying to figure out what to pack.

“I wishIhad a dangerously sexy and mysterious man whisking me away for a whole ass week,” she whines.

I throw a pair of pants at her from where I’m standing as she giggles and rolls onto her back, narrowly missing the flying piece of clothing.

“I’m sure you could,” I say, looking at her with suspicion, still unsure what the hell is going on with her and Connor.

“Oh please,” she huffs, flipping her hair off her shoulder. “Most of the time we’re trying to hook up with the same girl.” She then looks at me as if realizing what she just said. “Separately.”

“Sure you are,” I say as I try to jam a pair of sweats into my already stuffed suitcase.

“I’m serious Sunny! I kiss and tell remember? Not likeotherpeople I know,” she glares at me with a smirk and then pouts. “I’ll miss you.”

“It’s only a week, Len.”

“I know that,” she replies, hanging her head over the side of the bed, watching me upside down. “Won’t you miss me?”

“Of course, I will. It’s you and me against the world, remember?”

“Good,” she says, beaming and winking at me. “Just checking. So where is he bringing you anyway?”

“It’s a surprise. All I know is that we’re taking a plane to get there.”

She swings around back on her stomach, her head cradled into her hand. “Oh you justknow, he’s flying you first class.”

“You think?”

“Positive. Oh my god I’m so jealous. Please take loads of pictures and text me all the time. Imustlive vicariously through you.”

I laugh and continue packing.

“I will, promise.”

Chapter 39


Lenixwasright.We’reflying first class. I can’t help but gawk while the flight attendant leads us to our seats. I snap pictures for her and she replies immediately with a slew of emojis including the popped champagne bottle and the grinning devil. Needless to say, she’s excited for me. And so am I.

I love flying. But flying when you’re not squeezed into your seat while trying to fight for limited elbow space is even better.

I’m soaking it all in while Byzantine watches me with a pleased look, as if he’s enjoying experiencing the novelty of first class through my eyes.

It’s only an hour and a half flight but after the excitement of take-off, I eventually doze off, snuggled underneath a blanket, my legs pulled up to my chest, my head resting on a small pillow against the window.

A small moan escapes my lips, effectively waking me up and I jerk my head up like a startled bird. It’s then I become aware of the pressure between my legs. Deft fingers pressing slow circles against my clit over my leggings. I straighten up and look over at Byzantine. A small grin adorns the corner of his lips.

I slap his hand away from under the blanket and whisper-yell, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Someone will see.” I try to catch my breath, realizing how turned on I am by his subtle ministrations.

“Will they?” He gives me a pointed look and I glance around, finding the only other passenger in first class all the way on the other side, headphones on as he watches the inflight entertainment. Byzantine’s fingers find their way back and he whispers in my ear.