“I hadn’t had…”
I cleared my throat, trying to calm my rapid-beating heart. Although we were separated by thick glass, I could feel Diesel’s glare. When I cut my eyes to him, he looked to be laughing and talking, but still able to keep his eyes on me.
“Abel, that’s not weird to you? Wanting to date your friend’s ex-wife?”
“Kyle and I hadn’t been friends in a long time and—”
The number three came in as soon as the clock changed. I straightened my shoulders, so I could get more air into my body. The longer Kyle and Elle argued over his right to ask me on a date, the higher the number went. When it finally got to ten, I turned to Kyle, touching his arm.
“Look, even if I was ready to date, I wouldn’t date you, seriously. It still feels wrong to me. Just because he’s doing what he’s doing, doesn’t mean…”
When I cut my eyes to the table, Diesel was no longer in his seat. I cleared my throat and focused back on Kyle.
“We can be friends, but nothing more.”
My phone started ringing. Sir’s name flashed on the screen and my heart momentarily stopped.
“Hi,” I answered.
“Bring your ass outside. Black truck number one!”
“I am outside,” I sassed.
His low chuckle sounded so dangerous. “If you’re not at the door of this truck in thirty seconds, you will get embarrassed.”
“But the rules—”
“I can change the rules however I see fit. Fifteen seconds.”
He ended the call before I could protest.
I stood. “Um, excuse me. I’m going to go to the restroom. Excuse me.”
Elle squinted at me before looking inside the restaurant, noticing that Diesel was no longer in his seat. She nodded slowly while smirking at me. When I walked inside of the restaurant, I kept my head down, but I felt Dymon’s eyes on me. Out the corner of my eye, I saw him smirk, further embarrassing me. When I focused on Diesel’s lookalike, he was paying attention to his son. Walking outside, I scanned the parking lot, finding the black truck that he wanted me to walk to. As I walked toward the truck, my heart started to pump a little faster. Approaching the door, I inhaled and exhaled slowly to steady my racing heart. When I opened the door, Diesel sat in the seat on the other side twirling a paddle in the palm of his hand. My eyes widened.
He waved his hand out toward the seat next to him. My feet were heavy as I climbed in the truck and closed the door. He spun the paddle, letting it twirl in the center of his hand. Even though I should have been focused on the paddle, my eyes wandered to his toned thighs in his jeans and up to his toned and tatted arms in his white t-shirt. He looked much more casual than last night. He didn’t notice me eye-fucking him because he kept his eyes on the paddle.
“You know how I’m able to do this, Ms. Greysen?” he asked me while continuing to balance the paddle.
The paddle was at least a foot long, plain, and wooden. It didn’t look any different than a regular principal paddle to me.
I cleared my throat. “Um, you said… you said that… that this doesn’t start until…”
“Is that what I asked you?”
“No. No, Sir.”
He looked at me, catching the paddle by its handle right before it fell.
“Answer my question, Ms. Greysen.”
“I… I don’t know the answer.”
His lips spread across his face. “There isn’t anything in the middle. It’s hallowed out in the middle. Gives me a little more power custom-made. One of my favorites. Hold your hand out.”