Page 197 of Captivated By Danger

“Greysen McCree Danger,” the head of the education department announced.

The camera panned to her, putting her face on the jumbotron, and half the arena went wild for my baby. Her smile was bright. Her skin glowed and she looked so beautiful as she was getting ready to strut across the stage in those high heels that were too high for her being in her second trimester. After she took her picture with the dean, she walked to the other end of the stage, opened her gown, and palmed her belly, giving every outlet the answer they’d been wanting for the last couple months. She was pregnant again. We were expecting again, shocking both of us, not like we were being careful or anything.

As she strutted back to her seat, she found me and our daughter in the crowd and blew us several kisses as she sat down. Nearly ten months ago, Deija Gisele Danger was born a perfect six pounds and was the cutest little girl that I’d laid my eyes on. I made fun of Dymon for crying when my niece was born, but I couldn’t help the overflow of emotions when Greysen pushed her out in three big pushes. The second her cries filled the room, both me and Grey cried, but I was sure for our own different reasons. Her delivery was so flawless that Dr. York released her the very next day.

Our lives completely changed the day we brought her home. Greysen’s been a great mom, but she explained to me that she wanted to be more than just a mom. The passion and fire that our daughter gave her made me fall even deeper in love with her. Even though I was completely against it, she went full-time online and worked her ass off while being a new mom. She said it kept her busy while I was gone since she stayed in Citrus Grove while I was back and forth. Every time I left them, it felt like a weight sat on my chest until I was back around them.

“You see Mommy,” I said and kissed DD on her little cheek.

Greysen was grinning and shaking her head. We always argued about who spoiled her the most, but it was a tossup. She was a miracle baby for the both of us and we treated her as such. I never thought I’d find something I love more than working but being a dad and a husband are two of the greatest jobs I have. The day after I proposed to Grey, she woke up and said that she wanted to get married at the courthouse. So, that’s what we did, with my brothers, Quinci and Elle as our witnesses. The only announcement we made was us sporting our rings. It was how she wanted it and I wasn’t going to question it.

When the students tossed their hats up, I made my way to the floor to give her the flowers I had for her. Through the sea of people, I found the pretty round face that I’d recognize anywhere. As she made her way to us, people kept stopping her for pictures. Not only was she a super mom and an honor student, but she’d also started her own brand for curvy moms, posting mom tips, exercise and nutrition tips. Along with her following came brand deals and because I wanted that to be completely hers, I’d hired one of the best accountants and lawyers for her business. She’d come into her own and was determined to be more than Diesel Danger, the mogul’s wife. Even though she was on her independent shit, she knew the second it got in the way of her being a mother, we agreed that she would nip it in the bud.

“Hi, Mommy’s babyyy,” she sang, approaching us, taking her out of my arms.

I handed a bouquet of red and orange roses

“Greysen McCree Danger, entrepreneur, CEO of TheCurvyFashionMom, B.S. in Elementary Education, mom to Deija Gisele Danger and soon to be Diesel Danger the second, and wife to Diesel Danger, I am so fucking proud of you. You just don’t know.”

“Thank you so much, Daddy, for always believing in me and showing me what real work ethic is and for being a great father—”

“No, no. This day is about you. Let me praise you.”

She was getting ready to hug me when Elle walked up and put her hands over her eyes, making Deija laugh.


I took the baby out of her arms before she turned around and hugged her.

“You came!”

“You’ve been talking about finishing your degree forever. You couldn’t have thought I would miss this day.”

Greysen made up her mind literally three days ago on whether she was going to walk in her graduation. Since she made up her mind so late, she thought no one was going to come and she was okay with it. She didn’t want to walk because she wasn’t ready to announce her pregnancy yet, but I convinced her that it was the perfect time. What she didn’t know was that the rest of our friends and family were on my yacht preparing for her surprise party.

As we filed out of the arena, so many people were trying to get pictures of her. If I hadn’t summoned our security, we would have never made it out of there.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

She and Elle were sitting in the back seat with the baby while I rode in the front seat with the driver.

“To the yacht.”

She gasped. “Oh, God. You don’t have any more kids on the way, do you? I am slightly traumatized.”

“I am not going to dignify that with an answer, Greysen.”

“I’m just saying.”

If she didn’t know anything else, she knew that she didn’t have to worry about me ever thinking about another woman. She kept me fulfilled in ways I didn’t know were possible. As we rode toward the boat yard, I smiled, listening to Greysen talk about her jam-packed schedule. She already had a job lined up as a 1st grade teacher at Citrus Grove Elementary starting next school term and I couldn’t be happier for her. Once all the excitement dialed down, I was going to tell her that Dymon and I decided to get our own small office in the next city over, so we both could be home more.

“Awweeee, Babbyy,” she whined.

From the car, you could see the balloons tied on the yacht.

“Let me change my shoes.”

“I’ll help you. Elle, you could go ahead and take the DD.”