Page 195 of Captivated By Danger

“Oh no you fucking don’t, hoe!” Elle shouted.

The driver caught Elle just as she lunged at her, and Perris jumped back.

“Elle, let’s go. Life already beating her ass enough.”

“Stay ready, bitch,” Elle warned her as we walked out the store. When we got further from the store, we burst out laughing.

“I ain’t gon’ lie, I was ready to wear her out but if I get arrested, Dymon would never let me out the house again. If I see her on the streets, I’m not making any promises. She even look at me wrong, I’m going upside her head.”

“Girl, she doesn’t even have to look at me. She better have her dukes up the next time I see her, but I’m proud of Grey. Did you see how she yoked that bitch up? My first thought was that Diesel was going to beat her mothafuckin’ ass because you know he don’t fucking play the radio.”

I laughed so hard. “And don’t, but I just felt so… empowered, if that’s the right word. When my baby kicked, something in me clicked. I’m going to teach my daughter to stand up for herself because her mother spent twenty-plus years not doing that. Hell, she can even stand up to me, if need be. It just felt like a mama bear coming out of me.”

“That’s how I felt when I was pregnant with Dymani. You see how his mom acted when she was here. Baby, we have come a long way. I told Dymon she would never see her if she didn’t get her act together.”

“That’s exactly how I…” my phone dinged.

I pulled it out to see that I had a text message from Diesel.

Sir:Am I in an alternate universe where I see my mf pregnant babymama on the internet snatching a bitch over a register?


Sir:Good, because in that alternate universe, that same pregnant babymama is getting her ass warmed when I touch down. See you soon.

* * *

That night…

Diesel and I had just gotten out of the shower. Just like he promised, the first thing he did when he walked in the door was tell me to take my ass to the back. That was the best spanking he’d given me in a while. I tried to act like I didn’t enjoy it, but my wet pussy gave me away like she always did. After he spanked me, him and Dymon debriefed in his man cave and that’s where he stayed for the majority of the evening until he came and asked me to shower with him.

My idle mind was starting to get the best of me. When he wasn’t talking to me, or even responding to my texts when he was just in Dymon’s mancave, I thought the worst. I just knew that he was about to break up with me and I was going to be a single mother. He probably thought that I still had feelings for Kyle which was far from the truth. I think he knew that my thoughts were getting the best of me because he suddenly pulled me into a hug, and rested his head on top of mine. I laid my head against his chest and rubbed his back. He hugged me as tight as he could, making tears form in my eyes. I hadn’t seen him in weeks and missed being in his arms.

“I’m sorry for embarrassing you, Diesel,” I whispered.

“You did not embarrass me. You ain’t been listening to them folks in the comments, why you starting now?”

I humped my shoulders up and down.

“I wanna marry you, Grey. I already talked to your dad. The whole time I’m on the jet, I was thinking about how I was going to make it special for you. Then I land to see you jacking up your cousin over your ex.”

“It wasn’t over my ex, Diesel.”

“Yes, it was. Initially, I was pissed. In my head, I’m thinking you still ain’t over him. I was about to lose my mind. Several thoughts of jeopardizing what we have crossed my mind. I was just trying to make excuses on why I needed to revert back to the old me.”

He released me and went and sat on the bed, beckoning me to him. Slowly, I walked over to him and eased on the bed. I moved slightly when the baby kicked. Her little foot pushed my stomach out a little bit.

“Yeah, son, I know,” he placed his hand on my stomach and stared at it with a smile on his face. “But then I thought of a world where I didn’t wake up next to you or didn’t hear your corny ass jokes or being put in my place when I need to be, and got sad. You make me happy, Greysen McCree. I wanted to show you, well needed to show you that I’m serious about you...about us.” His eyes flicked to mine. “Do you want to marry me?”

“Um. Huh? I mean… why you ignore… um?” I swallowed.

“I ignored yo’ ass because I was pissed that you was yoking up a bitch and you are pregnant. Yeah, I read your stupid ass text about my son empowering you. I should have spanked your ass again for saying that bullshit. You pregnant, Grey. You don’t need to be fucking putting yourself in a position to get hurt. I had to calm myself down before I said some shit I couldn’t take back.”

“Weren’t you just fucking proposing? Don’t piss me off and I fuck around and say no!”

“You saying no don’t mean shit to me because where the fuck you going?”
