“Oh, wow. Jinx,” she grinned.
“Can I ask what you missed?”
Her eyes nearly bucked out of her head. “I just know that is not you asking ‘can you’ do something. What happened to ‘just ask.’”
“Honestly, Ms. Greysen, you hold a bunch of cards that belong to me.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that I am not my fucking self around you. Ask me how many times I’ve visited a museum or Central Park or any of that. Ask me when’s the last time I been on my yacht. You’ve just made me rethink my life’s trajectory.”
“Awwee, I was just going to say that I missed that dick,” said, making me laugh and shake my head.
“I’m trying to be serious, Grey.”
“And so am I, but seriously, I don’t know what I miss the most, making you mad or you trying to pretend like you don’t enjoy my company. I noticed a slight change in you, like how surprised you were at yourself when you would kiss me on my forehead or listen to me blubber on and on about school. Our engaging conversations about how we would raise our hypothetical children, or our hypothetical marriage. I thought about the time we worked together in your library. All you could hear was the tapping of our keys, and we couldn’t keep our eyes off each other. Or that time you thought I was going to go home because my mom wanted me home.”
“I can admit that I was a little scared there for a moment.”
“I know you were. You’ve never given #reassurance before.”
I picked up my wine and took a sip. “You got that right.”
“Here are your meals? Are there any plates that I can get out of your way?” the waitress asked while staring at me.
“No, thank you,” Grey said and rolled her eyes when she walked away.
“Sheesh. What is wrong with you, woman?”
She rolled her neck around. “I’m just so moody today and I don’t know why.”
“Oh, you know why.”
She cut into her food.
“I wouldn’t even give you the satisfaction.”
Two hours and two bottles of wine later, Grey and I were walking out of the restaurant tipsy and full. We’d laughed and talked about a wide range of shit. Every time I tried to bring up Rachel, she’d cut me off until I just stopped all together. She waved Tom toward us and then stuck her arms in my jacket and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. When she looked up at me, I pushed my luck and pressed my lips against hers and she happily accepted my tongue.
A dude with a camera approached us. “Diesel. Greysen. Say something for TMZ. Are you two back together?”
I pulled away from her and looked in her eyes. “This forever,” I said.
“Anything else?”
I opened the back door for her, and she stepped in.
“I had a good time tonight, Greysen. What are you about to do?”
“I can’t go back to my room without my panties, can I?”
“Yeah? Come get them then. Beat me there.”
When I closed the door, Tom pulled off while I waited for valet to bring my car around. As I sped home, I was getting excited like I was a horny teenager. The pheromones from her panties in my pocket smelled so fucking good. Just as I swung my car in my parking spot, Tom was letting Greysen out at the elevator. I killed the engine and hopped out. I nodded my head at him as I walked by him. As soon as we were on the elevator, I pounced on her, grabbing her waist, pulling her to me. She crashed her lips against mine, pulling and sucking at my lips.
“Can I ride your lips?”