“Builder for what?”
“So, you can build a house next to mine and Quinci’s.”
“Dog, I care about her. I’m not ready to build a house yet.”
“Ah. You’re in the denial phase. It’ll pass.”
“You tripping.”
“If I’m tripping, who is it that she’s talking to over there then?”
I looked up to see Greysen standing on the sidewalk with some dude all in her ear. I nearly missed the door handle trying to get out the car so fast. Dymon grabbed my arm as I was trying to get out the car, playing fucking games.
“Don’t go, Diesel. You don’t care about her Diesel. Don’t go.”
I snatched out of his fake grasp. “You play to fucking much. That’s why I hated taking your ass everywhere with me.”
I slammed the door in the middle of him laughing out loud. I walked briskly over to the pair. She didn’t see me coming, but the dude did. He got her attention when I was a few feet away from her. She looked so fucking good. Seeing her smiling in another nigga face really pissed me off, but I was trying to keep it together because she already acted like she was scared of me, and I couldn’t have that.
“Greysen, what’s up?” I spoke.
“Hi. Diesel.”
She didn’t have on any make-up and by the slight bags under her eyes, she hadn’t been sleeping much.
“Aye, mama you straight?” the dude asked.
I walked past her and stood over him, glaring down at him. He was easily a foot shorter than me and one chop to the neck would have him wearing a neck brace for the next couple weeks.
“Don’t try to be a fucking hero, my man. Trust me. It will not end well for you.”
Greysen put her hand on my arm and pulled me away from him.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Diesel? People have just started focusing on other shit and not us. Why did you show up here? And scaring my classmates, no less.”
“Greysen, you haven’t returned my calls or messages and I was worried about you.”
“You? Worried?”
She waved her hand at Tom who was approaching the corner
“Let me take you to dinner tonight, Grey.”
“As a friend?”
“However you want it.”
Though she kept a straight face, her cheeks told a different story.
“No private room.”
When Tom came to a stop, she got in the back seat and closed the door, letting the window down. I leaned in the window.
“And no super upscale restaurant where you can rent out the whole thing because I know how you think.”
“You think I couldn’t rent out a… never mind.” It wasn’t the time to be arrogant when I was already in the doghouse. “Grey, I draw the line at eating at a fucking Applebee’s or some shit. Work with me here.”