Page 144 of Captivated By Danger


We both screamed and hugged each other and jumped around like we hadn’t seen each other in years. Looking down the hall, I noticed Mona was leaning against the wall.

“What are you doing here, girl?”

“It was requested that I come here and get you pageant ready.”

“Huh? Diesel?”

She nodded her head dramatically.

“Like do my hair? What does he have planned?”

“I don’t know. Mona said she took my things to a wash area?”

“Oh, yeah. I can take you. Let me grab my robe and my phone. Come in.”

“Bitch, I was exaggerating about this being a castle in the sky, but this is really a castle in the sky. It’s so freaking beautiful in here. Oh my God.”

“Oh, go through there. The closet is in there.”

Her audible gasp when she walked made me laugh. She squealed so loud as I heard moving the clothes hangers.

“All these are yours! Once y’all break up, you can just have all these?”

“That’s what he said.”

“Grey, please.” She walked out of the closet in a shiny black Balenciaga blazer. “I have the perfect boots that will go with this. Can I wear this tonight?”

My eyes widened. “You’re staying here tonight?”

“Girl, no. Big Daddy got me a hotel not far from here. He told me I was welcomed, but I am in the Big Apple, and I will be having a one-night stand tonight.”

“Oh my God. But yes, you can wear it. You can have it. I’ll just buy another one if I get the urge to want to wear it.”

She smirked at me. “Yes, bitch. I love the sound of that. Just buy another one.”

That made me laugh. “He’s been all but begging me to spend his money. I’ve bought a few things, but as you can see, I really don’t have to.”

“Find something to buy damn.”

“Girl, come on here.”

I led her down the hall toward the washroom. Mona sat in the living room with a laptop in her lap.

“Hey, Mona, is Diesel at work?”

She shook her head. “I’ll be taking you to him once she’s done with you.”

“Oh. Okay.”

When we finally made it to the washroom, her hair travel equipment was neatly in the corner.

“Nah. This man got too much damn money. He got his own salon in here.”

“Tell me about it.”

“So…” she walked across the room and started unpacking her things. “I made this thirty-inch wig on the jet and baby, I made this specifically to get it pulled. I’m going to do you some medium sized barrel curls, so when they fall, it’s going to be a cute wave.”